unKanni CBD

unKanni produces the highest quality CBD oil.Using the best CO2 extraction methods, all organic, non-GMO hemp grown in Colorado.

unkanni’s Hemp Farms are in Denver, Colorado.We chose Colorado to source our CBD isolate because they adhere to the strictest regulation in all of the US.Colorado has the best ground to grow the raw materials of our product because they haven’t had the decades of pesticides used by some of the other cash crop states.

We monitor and track every batch of isolate CBD to our pharmacy in Indianapolis, IN where our pharmacists make our CBD products.Our formulas are designed to designed intently to optimize the spectrum of benefits of the CBD extract.

CBD Research Promises New Treatment For Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or Autism, is a neurological and developmental disorder which begins early in childhood and lasts throughout a person’s life. There are numerous types of autism, caused by different combinations of genetic and environmental influences, distinguished by repetitive and characteristic patterns of behavior and challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, verbal, and […]

Positive Influence Of Shiitake Mushrooms On Health

Culinary enthusiasts will not find the notion of incorporating shiitake mushrooms into your diet surprising, or even objectionable. And the cuisine of some countries, particularly Asian countries such as China and Japan, have included shiitake mushrooms for centuries. But as the Western World wakes up to the benefits of new food ingredients, millions of eager […]