Month: October 2006


You”re young and beautiful, you”re popular, and life is just one great party.   In fact you”ve been partying practically every night since summer started, and it”s natural that you haven”t noticed how much sleep you”re NOT getting.   Look at your eyes and skin. Are there any tell-tale signs of sleep deprivation?   What”s […]

Dealing with Your Child’s Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD)

Here’s a real conversation overheard in office corridor (first names have been changed): Jan: What’s wrong, Anna? Anna: My son’s teacher just called.   She insists we meet today. I don’t think I want to hear what she has to say.

Easy, Tasty, Healthy Snacks

You”ve no doubt heard the advice that it”s better to eat tiny portions of food frequently during the day, than it is to eat three (or more?) large meals.   Indeed, this is good advice!   Eating throughout the day is good for the metabolism, and just as importantly, because you aren”t ravenous, you can […]

Doctor checking blood pressure of a patient

Going Beyond the Annual Physical For Men

We all know a guy (or many guys) who avoid visiting the doctor for an annual checkup by saying things like “the human body is a marvelous machine.   Treat it kindly and it will treat you well a hundredfold”.   And indeed, while this may be somewhat true, it doesn’t  substitute for regular checkups. […]

Alternative Cardio Workouts

Health professionals recommend that we engage in cardio activity 3 to 5 days per week to provide the resistance our heart needs to maintain optimum cardiovascular fitness. A good cardio workout requires that you reach your target heart rate, which can be calculated by subtracting your age from 220. While tread mills, elliptical machines…