Month: November 2006

Body Wrapping

Many spas and salons offer a process called “body wrapping.”   This procedure claims to remove inches from the waist, thighs, hips or other parts of the body.   The process includes the use of special wraps or clothing and can sometimes be used with special lotions or creams that are applied to the skin. […]

The High Cost of Smoking!

Smoking is an expensive vice. An ordinary smoker incurs enormous cost to sustain this unhealthy lifestyle and the costs do not pertain solely to him. There are adverse effects to the body, to the immediate family, to the society, to the environment and to the economy. The most obvious cost of smoking is the daily, […]

Reading Labels: Understanding Fiber, Fat, Carbohydrates, Etc.

Since 1994, food manufacturers have required the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to include food labels on all packaged food items. Labels can be a tremendous help in controlling our diets–but only if we understand them. Here is a primer to use as you browse the labels in your panty and at the grocery:

calories burned running

Let’s Start Running

Running is not only practical, it is also the easiest, cheapest way to get healthy and in shape.   Running, as a cardio exercise can benefit anyone — young or old. That is why running along with brisk walking continues to be popular with sports buffs everywhere.

Exercising In Your Home

Most of us say the same thing when faced with the need to exercise: “we don’t have the time!”. Oddly, however, we seldom hear ourselves (or each other) saying “we don’t have enough space!”. However, this complaint is indeed just as legitimate as the first excuse — er, we mean reason — because, after all, […]

Memory Improvement Is Not Just An Elderly Thing

Normally, the brain’s capacity to store and retrieve information wanes as brain cells deteriorate through time. Other factors such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other diseases related to aging also affect the capacity of the brain to remember. But these reasons are not enough to conclude that memory improvement is only advised and recommended for […]

Diabetes: Prevention thru Better Nutrition

An ounce of prevention is always better than cure, particularly if diabetes runs in your family.   But this time, people need tons of prevention to keep this chronic disease from further seeping into the mainstream not only of the American society but also of societies all over the world. Diabetes has become so widespread […]

Going Beyond the Annual Physical for Women

Ah yes.   We often think back to our grandparents’ days, sigh, and wonder why life today can”t be simpler, like it was back then?     This is a rather strange question when you look at it; because advances in medical science in the last 50 years have, arguably, been more profound than the […]

Beauty and Your Skin

Ever since Eve took that first bite of the apple, the human race has been obessed with beauty.   Granted, each civilization has had it’s own own definition of what attributes are used to define beauty. Roman, Grecian, Arabic and Hindi women used henna to color their hair and tattoo their bodies.   The historical […]