Month: April 2008

Interview with a Weight Loss Expert

We will approach this interview as if we have someone who wants to lose weight.  Our guest expert has a diverse background.  His credentials include personal trainer certification, 26 years of fitness experience as well as several awards as a body builder and owner of his own gym.       Using the experience and […]

Compact Fluorescent Lights Not Such a Bright Idea

We are being encouraged by our government, utilities, and public interest organizations to use the new compact fluorescent light bulbs.  But is this a good idea?  Let’s take a look.

What is all this Super Food Hype?

I think most of us will agree that good nutrition leads to better health.  And that food delivers nutrients to our bodies even better than supplements.  What is the definition of a Super Food?  Are there Super Foods that can prevent disease?     What are some Super foods?  Let’s look at some explanations.

With the Wedding Comes the Weight Gain

According to the US Census Bureau 90% of the US population will marry.  And studies are showing that being married leads to weight gain, more weight gain than our single friends.

Food Allergies: Discover the Culprits, Prevent the Symptoms

In today’s modern world, more than one-fourth of all adult Americans are convinced that some of the foods they bite into wind up biting them back with recurrent symptoms such as hives, skin rashes, diarrhea, and vomiting. In fact, these are the most common telltale signs of allergies.

Spotlight on Sunlight

All of us need to get some sunlight in order to remain healthy. Some scientists are now considering sunlight a “super nutrient”.   Let’s look at the ways that sunlight helps our bodies.

What makes an effective vitamin?

In a perfect world with a healthy diet you should obtain all the vitamins you need from the food you eat. A 2004 Nielsen survey found that only 12% of all Americans claim to eat the 5 recommended servings of fruits and vegetables per day! That means a huge portion of us are not getting the […]

Simple Ways to Raise Your HDL (That”s the good cholesterol)

I just got my new cholesterol numbers.  And to be honest my HDL cholesterol could sure go up.  I have researched some ways to boost my number and wanted to pass them on to you.

ABC’s of Healthy, Happy Relationships

For Healthy, Happy Relationships, here are some basic guidelines for reference. They are in alphabetical order only, not order of importance.