Month: December 2008

Trick Your Body Into Losing Weight Faster

By Mike Roussell Dieting can be slow and frustrating but what if you could trick your body into losing weight faster? Would you be interested? In this article I’ll lay out for you 3 simple ‘tricks’ that are safe, effective, and will help you lose fat faster. 1. Trick Your Body Into Thinking It is […]

People exercising in gym

Burning Calories Aerobically

Aerobic exercise can range from walking to aerobics classes and on through running, jogging, rowing, skiing or anything that increases the heart rate and respiratory rate.  After weeks of exercise or planning a new workout routine many people ask how many calories does aerobic exercise burn?

Adult ADHD

Do you know someone who has been diagnosed with adult ADHD?  Or, do you wonder if perhaps you or a loved one may be showing symptoms of this disorder?  You are not alone — there are increasing numbers of adults who are being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder every single day.  If any of […]

Steps to a Salon Manicure at Home

If you are out of time or money for a professional salon manicure, you should learn how to do a salon manicure at home. A home salon manicure is easy if you know what you are doing.

Embrace the mocktail this holiday season!

It is the season for Holiday Celebrating!   A mocktail could be the perfect solution — helping to ‘stay on track’ during a night out or on a special occasion by saving calories and reducing alcoholic intake.