Year: 2010

Lose belly fat

Lose Belly Fat Now

The first thing that people, who wish to lose weight, think about is reducing their belly fat. It does not matter if you need to lose those extra 15 pounds or a whole lot more. And it is exactly where they all go wrong. This article will explain what the biggest mistake of flat belly […]

Prostate Cancer Questions And Answers

Are you a man age 50 or over? If so there are specific prostate cancer questions and answers you need to know. Without this knowledge you could find yourself in trouble and facing the possibility of a premature death. However, with the proper information you may discover how to avoid the possibility of a premature […]

Man with Sickle Cell Anemia

How Is Sickle Cell Anemia Treated?

Sickle cell anemia is a lifelong, chronic disease that affects over 72,000 people in the United States. In most cases, there are not continual symptoms but periodic painful attacks. It can also weaken the immune system and cause other complications such as strokes. People with sickle cell anemia also typically have a shortened life span. […]

How to Naturally Turn Your Slow Metabolism into a Fast Fat Burning Machine

When Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays come around where I eat more than usual, I never feel guilty about how much I had eaten.   The reason is because I”ve learned how to train my metabolism to burn enough body fat to allow me to have more “cheat” days.     I”m not saying to […]

Use Iron and B Vitamins

Use Iron and B Vitamins To Improve Your Brain Activity

In the US iron deficiency has been found to be a major problem in people of all ages.   Everyone knows the lack of iron causes anemia.   Iron is the center of our red blood cells, which allow oxygen to be carried throughout your body and into your brain.   Your brain uses over […]

Team of doctors

Signs of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is an insidious disease that takes over a person”s life and clouds their world in a fog of problems and struggles.   The signs of drug addiction are many and varied depending on what type of drug is being abused.

Doctor discussing with paitients

How Do I Lower Cholesterol Naturally?

Not everyone is conscious about how and what they eat. Because of this, many people suffer from degenerative diseases, which are caused by bad lifestyle choices. Too much fat in food can cause the body”s cholesterol levels to rise. High cholesterol is the primary reason for heart diseases, being overweight and high blood pressure etc. […]


5 Ways to Get the Best Use Out Of Your Home Treadmill

The #1 fear that people have when investing in a home treadmill (or any piece of exercise equipment) is that they won’t use it. You know the story. It gets delivered, you set it up and enjoy it for a few days…and then it sits…and waits.

Losing weight

What to Do After Cheating on Your Diet

It’s happened to all of us at one point or another – we’re going along great on our healthy weight loss plan, when all of a sudden we careen out of control and eat something we really shouldn’t have.   While this is a common experience that all dieters share, it does not have to […]

Count Colors Not Calories!

If you need to drop and few pounds and don”t know where to get started, stop counting calories and start counting colors. When it comes to losing weight, make sure your plate is piled high with a range of colorful fruit and vegetables. You”ll naturally create more balance and health-filled menus.