Month: May 2012

Hepatitis C – Another Threat to Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are getting old and many are now paying the price for their wild youth. According to the CDC, between 1999 and 2007, the number of Americans dying from hepatitis C and related diseases almost doubled. Baby boomers are at great risk of having hepatitis C without even knowing it. The government agency is […]

Woman enjoying healthy fruits

Stay Cool with Fruits and Veggies

It”s that time of the year again ” “ the time for garden parties, outdoor cafes and tropical vacations. It is also the time of heavy sweating and easy dehydration. Fortunately, there are many ways to stay cool and hydrated, even without all that water sloshing in your stomach.

Summer Sports Injuries

Summer is almost here again, and with it comes the fun of playing outside. Unfortunately, along with the playing come the injuries. Some summer activities include hiking, jogging, bicycling, softball, football, basketball, skateboarding, maybe even some skydiving and bungee jumping. All of these are fun activities that many people enjoy. But also, all of these […]

Clouds and Sun

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, your body absolutely needs it with the best source being natural sunlight. Just don”t overdo it- you wouldn”t want to get burned! Your body needs vitamin D for several reasons. The first being that your body cannot absorb calcium without vitamin D; and not only is calcium important for strong, healthy, teeth and […]

Do I have flesh-eating disease?

There are few diseases which cause such a sense of dread as flesh-eating disease or necrotizing fasciitis. As we have seen in the media recently, it attacks suddenly, very fast, and it is deadly in 73 percents of cases if not treated immediately. While we are following the faith of a young girl from Georgia […]

Drinking water

Summer Hydration/Dehydration

It’s summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime well, almost. And if you are like most people, you will be enjoying the great outdoors with all sorts of sports and recreation. Fishing, hiking, biking, triking, gardening, jogging, walking the dog the list goes on and on. But one thing that all of these different activities have in […]



Have you ever spent a lot of time outside in hot weather? Whether it is working or playing, having good times or toiling, spending time outside in the hot summer weather can be dangerous if you are not careful. Heatstroke is a serious issue that can be deadly if these signs are ignored or go […]


Insect Bites

OUCH! Darn mosquitoes! Backyard fun is often hindered by flying nasties, or creepy-crawlies. Mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, spiders (technically not an insect but rather an arachnid), bees – and in some states scorpions – even innocent looking moths can cause anything from irritation to death! Most of the time they are a mere nuisance, but for […]

A woman jogging

Happy Jogging

If you are one of those people who look at the joggers from the window of your bedroom at five in the morning thinking that they are nuts, you might reconsider. The study in Denmark named Copenhagen City Heart Study found that men who regularly jog live 6.2 years longer, and women joggers 5.6 years […]

Chocolate Diet

Did you ever dream of working in the chocolate factory? Doing research on chocolate is probably the second best. Dr. Beatrice Golomb and her colleagues from Department of Medicine at UC San Diego researched how regular consumption of chocolate affected 1018 healthy people of all ages from San Diego area, and found a range of […]