Month: February 2013

Super Foods For Weight Loss

There are food planners and healthy eating shopping lists available online and through support groups. You do not always have to count calories. Using food lists will help you cut calories from high numbers to 1600-1900 calories per day for a man; 1500 to 1700 calories per day is great for a woman. Amazing weight […]

Hypnosis clock

Weight Loss Hypnosis – Does It Work?

Hypnosis has been used for literally thousands of years; there is evidence of this from Hindu Vedas and ancient Egyptian text. It seems the original uses of hypnosis were for healing and spiritual or religious functions such as divination and communicating with spirits.

Unhappy kid

Why Are Our Children So Miserable?

It baffles parents worldwide: why are our children so unhappy? The more we give them, the more miserable they are. We are faced with an epidemic of anxiety among children. 11 percents of children and young adolescents are suffering from depression. The rates of aggression among children doubled in the last 25 years. Most children […]

The Beauties of an Air Humidifier

The humidity in the air is the amount of atmospheric water vapor contained in that air. Humidifiers help increase the indoor humidly levels to improve air quality in our home or office. When air is dried out by heating systems, humidifiers can bring back comfortable and breathable air.


Skin that feels hot to the touch and is red and painful and emerges a few hours after sun exposure is known as sunburn. Intense sun exposure can increase your risk of complications and related skin disease. Try not to get sunburned too many times you may suffer wrinkled skin, liver spots, actinic keratosis, dry […]

Why You Should Take Your Meds

“Pills, pills, and more pills,” moans an elderly home-bound patient. “What good do these do? I don’t feel any different or any better.” Taking meds is more than just swallowing pills as directed; it involves getting prescriptions filled, taking the medications on time, and understanding the directions. Taking prescriptions improperly can interfere with the treatment […]

What Is Pulmonary Hypertension?

Pulmonary hypertension refers to blood pressure in the lungs which is measured by the systemic pressure through your blood system. Pulmonary hypertension or PHT is elevated blood pressure that materializes in the arteries of your lungs. The numbers in pulmonary blood pressures are normally lower than traditional blood pressure and if you experience pulmonary blood […]


Weight Loss Plan For Women

Statistics show that more than 60 percent of women in the United States today are overweight. Some of those, about one-third are actually obese. If you are in the 60 percentile that need to lose weight, don”t despair; the key is to burn more calories than you eat each day. You can accomplish these goals […]

Smokers Live Ten Years Shorter

If you stopped smoking before your 40th birthday, you will be happy to know that you still have the time to neutralize the damage you have done to yourself. If not, you can expect to live about 10 years less than non-smokers. These are the findings of the recent study published in the New England […]

Small Bites, Less Distraction And Other Smart Eating Tricks And Tips

We have all experienced it: we have eaten the entire plate of food without remembering a single bite. We were so engrossed in a movie or a book and were completely distracted from the food. It is one of the fastest ways of getting fat. But, if we eat by taking small bites, the things […]