Month: October 2014

Woman holding heart rate monitor

Work Out Right With Your Target Heart Rate

Do you ever feel like you’ve worked and worked in the gym without seeing any results? It’s possible you’re simply at the wrong heart rate.  


Adult and Childhood Obesity Statistics

Adult and childhood obesity has grown drastically over the last few decades. It is being blames on a more sedentary lifestyle especially in the urban areas. Every aspect of life has been affected by the recent changes, such as use of a car instead of walking, use of the media or internet instead of an […]

ketosis for weight loss

Lose Weight For A Healthier Heart

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of obese Americans continues to rise. In fact, 30 percent of adults over age 20 are obese, which means they are 30 pounds overweight and have a BMI, or body mass index (a measure of […]


Take on the Holiday Season with Fitbit

It’s that time of year again; the time when we start thinking about family gatherings and holiday cooking. It’s also the time of year that can derail any healthy habits you’ve worked so hard to build. While many people enter the holiday season defeated before they begin, there are ways to make sure you both […]


What Is Obesity?

Of all the diseases that plague mankind, one of the most prevalent and deadly is obesity. Yes, it was classified as a disease by the American Medical Association in 2013.

Health risk factors of adult obesity

4 Major Health Effects of Obesity

Obesity is not just an issue of how one looks, there are serious health concerns, which are more than persuasive to stop and address how excess fat affects not only the quality of looks, but, how it affects the quality of life in terms of health and life expectancy.

Apple and inch tape

Heart Rate: the Basics

If you’ve been around exercise for any length of time, the term “heart rate” is probably a familiar one. However, what it is and how it works may not be. However, if you plan to improve your health, understanding your heart rate is a good place to start.

DNA model

Obesity: Basics

Winter is coming. But that’s no excuse to put off starting a healthy lifestyle.   While an unhealthy lifestyle over the winter months can mean frustration when swimsuit season comes around, excessive weight can also lead to serious health problems.


Veggies, not Carbs

You know the feeling. You come home after a long day at work and the first thing you do is walk into the kitchen. You open the fridge or freezer and try to talk yourself out of eating the frozen pizza. But you already talked yourself out of stopping at that fast food restaurant on […]

Myths and facts

6 Obesity Myths And Facts

When it comes to obesity there is a ton of information floating around. Some of it is accurate and some of it is completely inaccurate. My goal with this article is to help you understand some of the facts and myths associated with obesity.