Month: June 2015

Adhd In children

If You Have ADHD, Fidgeting May Help You Learn

Some kids (and adults) with ADHD simply cannot stay still. This propensity toward fidgeting can cause people with ADHD trouble at school, work, and even in home life. A fidgety child will find it hard to focus on lessons in a classroom setting, even if the subject is something he or she finds interesting. Fidgety […]

A man disturbed by his alarm clock

How to Make Your Mornings Easier If You’re a Night Owl

Waking up and dragging yourself out of bed is no easy feat for the average person, but, for a night owl, every morning can turn into an epic battle between your alarm clock and your brain’s insistence on just five more minutes. If you’re one of those people who functions best at night but can […]

Acne Facts

5 Surprising Facts You Should Know about Acne

Are you fighting a losing battle with acne? First, make sure you’re doing everything you can to lower your risk for those frustrating outbreaks that make you look (and feel) like Godzilla’s cousin. Here are five facts about acne outbreaks you should be aware of.