Month: September 2015

Blond woman giving up smoking

Tips for a Healthy Heart

If you are serious about living a healthy life, you need to take proper care of your heart. The heart is one of the most important organs in the body, working even when you are asleep. Here are five great ways to keep your heart healthy.

Yoga at work

5 Ways to Relieve Work Stress

You sit at your desk looking at a long list of unanswered emails, a pile of projects that need to be finished, and at least 20 voice mail messages you need to respond to. If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.  These days companies are trying to get more work done with less employees, […]


6 Vitamins Every Woman Should Take

Vitamins are essential  for women’s health. They provide you with energy, combat the signs of aging, and help to prevent diseases and cancer. Whether you consume them natually in the foods you eat or take a supplement pill, it is important to know which ones you need and what they do for your body. When […]

A lady having headache

Simple Tips for Preventing Headaches

Whether it’s a throbbing at your temples, a nagging ache that wears you down, a piercing sting that stabs deeply into your skull or a squeezing sensation that makes you feel like your head is trapped in a vise, headache pain can stop you in your tracks. Luckily, you can prevent many headaches simply by […]

Girl sleeping in bed

Tips for Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

A good night’s sleep is important for a lot of reasons and it can feel nearly impossible to have a good day following a poor quality sleep. Tiredness can lead to irritability, a lack of concentration and problems with sleep over longer periods of time can lead to other health problems. We all have the […]

Repel mosquito

11 All-Natural Ways to Repel Mosquitoes

Summer is without a doubt many people’s favorite time and for obvious reasons. However, with summer there comes mosquitoes, and the itchy agony of getting bitten by them! The bite of a mosquito can also cause health problems too. West Nile virus has been a particular problem in recent years – an unpleasant virus with […]

Causes of Back Pain

Causes of Back Pain

At some point in your life, you’re likely to experience back pain. The reasons for this vary from one person to another, but the effects of this miserable experience are common to everyone who suffers from it. From missing work to being unable to drive or even get out bed, back pain can be a […]

A happy and healthy girl

Do You Know What Impact Vitamin D Deficiency Has?

It is estimated that about  3 in 4 Americans suffers from a vitamin D deficiency.  Recent studies also have defined  a variety of high-risk groups, including  pregnant women, the elderly and those with dark skin.   The studies have come as quite a shock to many who were sure they were getting enough of the […]

Men working out in gym

Best Exercise for Weight Loss

Most people know that exercise should be a part of their weight-loss plan, but it can be difficult to decide what type of exercise routine is best.   You may think you will have to spend hours at the gym every day; however, with the right regimen, you can spend less time exercising and still […]

Foods Can Give You the Memory Boost You Need!

It’s no surprise that mental health can drastically decline if one doesn’t take the proper steps to keep it in tip-top shape. Having a poor memory is usually a major issue among the elderly population, but has been an increasingly worrisome issue for the younger population as well. Having an impeccable memory is associated with […]