Year: 2015

Women lifting weight

Reasons Why Your Exercise Routine is Failing

It doesn’t matter if you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or do both. If your exercise routine is failing, it may be due to one or more of the following reasons.

Woman pouring tea in a cup

Delicious Low Caffeine or Caffeine-Free Alternatives

Coffee and tea are popular and enjoyable beverages. However, drinking more than a few cups a day may affect your health. High consumption of caffeinated drinks can increase blood pressure, raise cholesterol levels and cause dehydration. If this is a concern, why not replace one or more cups a day with these delicious alternatives?

Woman enjoying healthy food

5 Ways To Lose Fat

It seems as though everyone wants to lose weight, or more accurately, fat. But people lead busy lives, which can make it difficult to eat a healthy diet and shed pounds. There is no shortage of available diet plans, but there’s no guarantee of their effectiveness or safety. With this in mind, here are some […]

Yes Scale on weight machine

Things You Shouldn’t Be Doing When Trying to Lose Weight

Weight loss is something that a lot of people struggle with. Losing weight is hard. It requires patience, perseverance, and a lot of hard work. There are many weight loss methods out there, but not all of these methods are safe for your body. Featured below are seven things that you should never do when […]

A lady hiding her pregnancy test

Ways to Prepare for Pregnancy

For many people, becoming a parent is one of life’s greatest joys. However, preparing for pregnancy can be a difficult and exhausting process, especially if you don’t know where to begin. The earlier you start to prepare, the less stress you have to deal with and the more confident you will feel when the time […]

Tablets and lemon

Homemade Natural Cold and Flu Cough Lozenges

If you’re fighting symptoms of a cold or flu, it’s likely you’ll reach for the aspirin and some Vitamin C to try and get rid of the bug. However, there are some great natural remedies that can help you combat any symptoms without the need for pharmaceutical medications.

Women consulting a therapist

5 Top-Rated Ovulation Apps for Women Who Want to Become Pregnant

Are you struggling to conceive? Do you long for the day when you can hold your newborn baby in your arms, yet can currently only look longingly at others as they cuddle their children? Thanks to developers in the women’s health sector, there are a growing number of powerful fertility apps available to women who […]

Prevent Flue & Cold

5 Simple Ways to Prevent Colds and Flu

The onset of autumn means brisker weather, falling leaves, and the beginning of cold and flu season.   The sounds of sneezing and coughing become commonplace.   One obvious way to protect yourself from contracting a viral infection is to get a flu shot; however, getting vaccinated won’t guarantee you won’t get sick.   Here […]

Cola drink

Three Simple Ways to Boost Your Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a challenging process, but there are simple steps you can take to make your journey easier.   Here are  three things you can do to boost your weight loss, without much additional effort.

Sedentary Workers

Six Dos and Don’ts for Sedentary Workers

From computer software developers to truck drivers, sedentary jobs make up a good portion of today’s employment market. But while sitting may be necessary for many workers, doing it for hours at a time can be harmful to the body and mind. Back problems, digestive trouble, headaches, and depression are just a few complications that […]