Month: March 2016

6 Places You’re Paying More In Fees Than You Have To

There seem to be fees everywhere and for everything we do, whether hidden or openly declared, they can add up to a significant amount over the course of a year. There are six places to really watch out for them: credit cards, debit cards, investments, bank accounts, memberships and subscriptions, and traveling. Being aware of […]

Muscle and Ligament Inflammation (Enthesopathy)

Perhaps you sang or danced to the lively “Dry Bones (Dem Bones)” as a child and learned how the bones in your skeleton were connected. This little tune is a fun way to help you understand your skeletal structure. Unfortunately, it does not have any verses that describe how your bones are held together by […]

Obesity in Pregnancy Presents Challenges (CME/CE)

The Society for Reproductive Investigation released two studies that examined the effects of obesity on pregnant women. One considered the affects of changes in diet on a 6 months old infant. The other considered the development of anemia and its link to the body mass index of women before they were pregnant. The first study […]

Keep Your Eyes On The Prize, Not The Scale

If we are trying to accomplish anything in life, it’s vital that we stay focused, but on the right things. I’ve been helping people lose weight, tone up and change their thinking for many years now and I’ve noticed some interesting things, especially in the area of weight loss.

A girl giving gift to her fiance

Anger, Hunger, The Thrill Of The Hunt: What’s Your Spending Trigger?

Extraneous spending is often the result of a person’s emotional state of mind. Therefore, having an awareness of what emotional triggers cause an individual to spend can be an important initial factor in working toward better money management. These triggers can range from seemingly good experiences to less than positive moments. As such, they include […]


Prenatal Diet Rich in Vitamin D May Cut Allergy Risk in Kids

Mothers could lessen their children’s risk of allergies claims a new study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. By eating foods rich in Vitamin D during pregnancy Mothers could lower the risk of allergies in their children. 1200 mothers and their children were surveyed and followed for 7 years. Vitamin D rich […]

Millions of Pregnant Women Put Their Babies At Risk with Alcohol: CDC

Drinking before and during pregnancy is not only exceptionally dangerous to developing fetuses, and much more prevalent than most realize. Many women of childbearing age do not take birth control and consume alcohol, as well as not ceasing to drink if they are actively attempting to become pregnant. The CDC, or Center for Disease Control […]


Epistaxis is a Fancy Name for Bloody Nose

More commonly, epistaxis is referred to as the common nosebleed. There are two types of nosebleeds, anterior and posterior, with the difference being where the bleeding comes from. Anterior nosebleeds make up about 90% of all nosebleeds. These usually come from a blood vessel toward the front part of the nose. These nosebleeds are very […]

Acne and PCOS: Nine Tips for Clear Skin

If you have been suffering from acne since you were a teenager, the problem is probably more than skin deep.   Acne is a common symptom of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS.

Too Much, Too Little Sleep During Pregnancy May Prompt Weight Gain

Does too much or too little sleep have an effect on a woman’s weight gain during pregnancy? A recent study conducted on better than 700 women indicates that it very well may. The study, conducted by researchers with the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, involved monitoring the pregnant women over a 7 day period. Although the […]