Month: June 2016

Knee Exercises to Relieve Your Knee Pain Instantly

The initiation, progression, and severity of knee osteoarthritis (OA) has been associated with decreased muscular strength and alterations in joint biomechanics. Chronic OA pain may lead to anxiety, depression, fear of movement, and poor psychological outlook. The fear of movement may prevent participation in exercise and social events which could lead to further physical and […]

The Best (And Worst) Jobs For Aging Boomers

This article discusses an index used to rate aging workers’ susceptibility to conditions that would cause them to retire. Blue collar workers are more likely to experience conditions over time that would cause them to need to stop what they are doing. Explosive strength (one of the measurements on the index) is needed by some […]


COPD is shortness of breath as illustrated by the women and men on the video. The idea is that they had to “gasp” for air. One woman could not blow the dust from a window sill. Another gentlemen could not run from base to base as he played baseball. Sometimes, COPD can be confused with […]

How Are Ovarian Cysts Treated?

Ovarian Cysts  are a common occurrence among women of reproductive age. There are several types of  Ovarian Cysts  — some are no cause for concern, while others create  ovary pain  and require treatment. Ironically, women with  PCOS  (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), or  PCOD  (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder), might not have the characteristic Polycystic Ovaries  for which this […]


Why Does a Hair Transplant Cost What It Costs and Why?

If you experiencing any angst over loss of your hair, there is no need to suffer. Hair transplants are    a viable treatment option. In order to have a successful hair transplantation, a qualified doctor must be used. Hence, thorough research must be done on doctors that perform this procedure. In the United States, information […]

11 Ways Your Beauty Products Could Be Messing With Your Health

There are a whole lot of risks associated with makeup that most wearers go unaware of. No one really talks about what these effects might be but there are few that everyone should be aware of now that that information has become available. For instance, eye liner on your water line can cause infection, mascara […]

6 Habits That Guarantee A Bride Fit Body

My goal for you is to look and feel fit & fabulous and to be glowing with confidence on your big and beyond!   Wherever you are in your journey to a Bride Fit Body there are some habits that will secure your success to create sustainable results.

Feds Paid $600K To Learn Why People Cheat IRS On Their Taxes. That’s Why.

The title of the article is a bit misleading. Most of this is not about the $600 million of taxpayers money that was used to fund this study, in fact it was more an indictment of the IRS and why they allow employees who cheat on their taxes to keep their jobs. Admittedly, there are […]

What Is Blepharitis and What Are The Symptoms?

Blepharitis is an inflammation and infection of the eyelid. The inflammation is most commonly found along the eyelash base. Blepharitis can be caused by multiple factors, including

Total Knee Replacement Surgery

With today’s technology it is possible to totally replace a knee. Done by specialized surgeons, the end of the bones are removed and prosthesis are put in place. Flesh is then stitched back together and a drainage system is put in place in order to regulate the post operation fluids. This procedure is presented in […]