Month: July 2016

What Hormones are Imbalanced in PCOS?

Diagnosing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is not a completely straightforward task. Because there is no one test that can detect the presence of this condition, healthcare professionals must often rule out other, more testable disorders before making a diagnosis.1 Most notably, they will look for cystic ovaries and a hormonal imbalance.

Eating Disorders from the Inside Out: Laura Hill at TEDxColumbus.

Sustenance is much more than a matter of survival-It is a part of who we are culturally as a species. In this TED Talk, Dr. Laura Hill talks about the role biology plays in eating disorders. Through powerful and thoughtful illustrations, she takes the viewer on a journey through the mind of a person suffering […]

How to Treat Lower Back Pain at Home

Lower back pain is a serious issue that affects many or our daily lives. Statistics say that almost half of us will experience lower back pain at some point in our lives. The good news is that not all back pain treatment requires a trip to the doctor or chiropractor. There are methods to effectively […]

Giving Up This Useless Emotion = A Happy, Healthy & Fit Bride

To allow your mind to dwell on difficulty or trouble and being in a state of uncertainty over actual or potential problems is called worry.   This common emotion seems innocent, but what if I told you that worrying would cause weight gain, skin breakouts, exhaustion, low libido, cranky moods and stomach issues?   On […]

Regenerative Science Being Used To Aid In Hair Regrowth

The latest technology in regards to treatment of baldness is the ability to create a hair follicle from a person’s DNA sequence. Researchers in Tokyo are claiming that they have actually done this. To establish the hair follicles worked like the real thing, they engaged a largely recycled hair uproot method called follicle unit transplantation. […]

Obese Kids May Be Ostracized By 1st Grade, More Likely to be Depressed

Obesity in children can affect more than just their physical health. A study conducted found that as early as first grade obesity can affect a child’s mental health. Severely obese children can show signs of depression and can be withdrawn. Children can be ostracized due to their and experience loneliness, and aggression due to this. […]


Calories and Nutrition of Fruits and Vegetables

Dieting has always been the most efficient means to lose weight and to maintain a healthy lifestyle that will keep the weight off after. However, it is also one of the most dreaded tasks for most human beings. In fact, approximately 62% of Americans begin a diet each year, but most of them are deemed […]

A Review of Advances In Understanding & Treating Male & Female Androgenetic Alopecia

This article is about new treatments, and information regarding hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia is a disease in which the hormone DHT causes hair follicles to become smaller, and eventually go away for good. Since discovering DHT in the early 1990s, scientists have focused on studying it’s affects on hair follicles. DHT research has caused advances […]

What Financial Planners Wish You Were Doing For Retirement

Sound and thoughtful advice for planning your retirement. It all begins with starting to save for retirement early. The later in life you begin to save for retirement the more challenging it will be. Talk with a financial planner, they can get you on the right path and help you establish financial goal. You may […]

What Is the LH/FSH Ratio and Why Does it Matter in PCOS?

A hallmark of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a hormonal imbalance resulting from excess androgen levels, or increased amounts of male hormones. When this happens, an unusually high amount of testosterone and other male hormones is present. But does this imbalance also affect the levels of female hormones, such as Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle […]