Month: January 2017

Whey Vs. Soy Vs. Vegan Protein: Which Is Best?

We all know that “we are what we eat” (and drink). Anyone trying to maintain their health knows to pay close attention to what they put in their body. For many athletes this begins with a morning smoothie or an after workout protein drink. With so many options for protein powders and supplements, how do […]

Alcoholism Worsens Insomnia, but There is Hope

Have you ever had that fatigued feeling you get when you wake up after a long night of drinking alcohol? That feeling of total exhaustion and your body just feels like a zombie. Did you ever wonder if it was the alcohol you were drinking is what caused you to feel drained and sleep deprived? […]

Why You Should Always Open Your Car Door With Your Right Hand

When it comes to opening car doors, people might not think about it but there is actually a certain particular way in which you should open your car door. One particular way in which you should always open your car doors is that you should always open your car door with your right  hand. The […]

LEVL Introduction

LEVL lets you measure what is actually going on inside your body so you can make informed decisions about your fat-loss routine. The LEVL device provides you with the information you need to make real-time, informed decisions about your diet and fitness plan. This reduces time spent on confusing products that don’t work for you […]

2017 New Year’s Resolutions to Help You Stop Whining and Think Positively

A new year always brings about change and growth of people. Setting resolutions and making goals are what we all try to do to get off to a fresh start. However there are those who just want to bring the negativity of last year right on into the new year with them. They just can’t […]

Managing Menopause Nutrition & Health Tips

Remember that day when you “became a woman”, remember that day when you had a nine month break from aunt flow. Well the day has come and menopause is upon you and you might be freaking out. A lot more changes than just aunt flow skipping down. Mentally and physically your body goes through another […]

Christian Principles of Integrity & Business: Part 4

Today we will examine the scriptures for understanding on Financial Matters & Decisions in business. God is our provider.   Genesis 22:14 and many other scripture references. God wants me to be a good steward of His provision. Malachi 3:10 We are to pursue our relationship with God over material possessions. Luke 16:13 Borrowing money […]

Bariatric Surgery

There are 12.5 million children in the United States who have a problem with being overweight. Obesity in childhood puts you at a greater risk diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Bariatric surgery for adolescents is one option you can take to get your child down to a healthy weight however it […]

Study Confirms ‘Sniff Test’ May Be Useful in Diagnosing Early Alzheimer’s Disease

How important is the nose to the health of an older person? Many people have become use to the routine of various health screenings suggested by their doctors to provide information about the status of personal health. Researchers are working to add the smell test to already existing tests which provide information about the risk […]

PCOS and Hysterectomy… Surprising Facts, and a Startling Cure!

To say that the hysterectomy is a relatively routine procedure is not to diminish the real medical issues that women who undergo this procedure must face, but it is nevertheless true: Simply put, the procedure is done all the time. In fact, roughly one in three women in the U.S. undergo a hysterectomy before reaching […]