Month: February 2017

The Ergonomics of Sleep – Finding the Right Position

Choosing the best mattress and pillow combination is essential when searching for the perfect sleep equation, but the position in which you put yourself in may be just as important.   Putting your body into the correct anatomical position will allow the mattress to perform to the best of its design (hopefully offering both comfort […]

Yo-Yo Dieting May Be Dangerous for All Sizes & Shapes

The cycle of trying to lose weight is a touch and go subject because some days you could lose two pounds, and then some days not lose any weight. Weight cycling could be dangerous for your heart if are not careful. The hard part is not losing the weight, but rather keeping the weight off. […]

Skeptics Turned Believers The Doctors Sound Off On Thync

The Doctors is a show anyone with interests in health topics should watch. It regularly debunks popular health myths. It also gives great information that can help you stay healthy. If you need to see evidence before you believe anything, and this would make you a skeptic, they can provide that and they do. The […]

Ovulation Monitoring: Why Using Ovulation Predictor Kits Might Not Be Enough

By Amy Beckley PHD Chief Executive Officer MFB Fertility Inc. A good way to increase your chances of conceiving a child is by monitoring ovulation. Ovulation is the process of a mature egg being released from your ovary.   The lifetime of an egg after ovulation is only 12-24 hours, possibly less. Therefore, pinpointing […]

Reproductive Health: A Change in Environment Can Do You Good!

There are few experiences more traumatic or frustrating for a couple hopeful to conceive a child, than finding out that they have a fertility issue, and that conceiving will be either difficult or impossible. This is the case with as many as one in six couples trying to conceive for the first time. The myriad […]

Eight in 10 Middle-Aged Britons ‘Are Overweight or Exercise Too Little’

The demands of modern day living are taking their toll on the health of the nation and its those in middle age that are suffering the consequences most, as their health reaches worrying new levels. More than 15 million Britons are living with a long-term health condition, and busy lives and desk jobs make it […]

The Links Between Nutrition and Hair Growth

We all strive to have a healthy diet that feeds our body with the provided nutrition on a daily basis. We all know that is a hard battle but that we can win daily. There are endless reasons to become aware of what we are eating and how it effects our bodies. We always here […]

Healthy hair

Vitamins for Hair Growth and Tips to Reverse Hair Loss

Taking vitamin supplements and making sure you get a proper amount of certain vitamins can help you stop hair loss.  Even if you have started losing hair increasing the amount of vitamin A and vitamin C can help you prevent and stop hair loss.  Vitamin A can be found in eggs, meat, milk, fish oil […]

How Does Anxiety Affect Sleep?

Does anxiety really affect sleep? It sure seems like it does! Many people claim that they can’t calm their mind once their head hits the pillow. Thoughts of to-do lists, stressful projects at work, and the stack of bills on the table all come to mind when you are trying to relax and go to […]

Dementia and Dehydration

My friend recently returned from a family vacation to find her mom in bad shape. She was confused and looking unwell and my friend was alarmed. Her mother was in a very nice assisted living facility. She had support in her care but she had deteriorated over the ten days that my friend was away. […]