Month: March 2017

Sepsis Risk Prediction Model Decreases Use of Antibiotics in Newborns

Kaiser Permanente based California has released a sepsis risk calculator. This calculator has reduced the use of antibiotics in newborns by 50 percent. Babies develop sepsis when exposed to bacteria from the mothers genital track and it can be very dangerous. Despite group B strep screenings before birth, a small percentage of babies still get […]

Skimp on Sleep and You Just May Wind Up Sick

Sleep is an important part of protecting your body’s immune system and when you are not receiving enough sleep, your likelihood of getting sick is increased. Americans have seen their daily sleep drop an estimated 1.5 to 2 hours in the last 100 years, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A […]

How to Rewire Your Brain for Weight Loss

As a doctor of the brain and cognitive science, Some can tell you the research proves that the foods we consume today, and the way we consume them, quickly trigger changes in the brain that ultimately block weight loss by creating insatiable hunger and overpowering cravings. With the right food choices we can heal our […]

Is Your Butterfly-Shaped Gland Sabotaging Your Efforts To Get The Bride Fit Body You Desire?

The butterfly-shaped gland I’m talking about is your Thyroid Gland located in the front of your neck under your Adam’s apple.   This small but powerful gland is where your thyroid hormones are made before traveling through the blood to all the parts of the body where they do their work.   Thyroid hormones help […]

How the Right Supplement Can Enhance Your Mood

At some point in our lives most of us go through times when we feel down in the dumps. Maybe life isn’t going your way or managing your stress level seems to be getting the better of you. It happens to everyone. However, melancholic phases are not a sufficient enough reason to turn to a […]

Ario Light – Interview

Injured runner

Simple Solutions to Pain Relief

By: Rachel Lethorn, MS, PA-C, ATC Are you performing at your best? Can you remember the last time you experienced pain, muscle aches or soreness? My name is Rachel Lethorn, owner and CEO of Med Sports Vantage a specialty medical practice focusing on pain relief, sports medicine and wellness. As a currently licensed practicing professional […]

5 Ways to Use Pomegranates In Your Beauty Routine

This superfood does more than boost your body. It can boost your beauty, too. Pomegranates have long been prized for their beautifying properties and revered as a symbol of health, fertility, prosperity, and longevity. Modern science now verifies the ancient wisdom that pomegranates offer a bounty of age-defying benefits from the inside-out and the outside-in […]

4 Ways You Are Harming Your Joints Without Realizing!

Joints are anywhere in your body that two bones meet, such as your knees, elbows, and shoulders. They provide you with a flexible range of motion when working correctly. There are multiple diseases and disorders that are common and that most people are aware of, such as osteoporosis. However, you may not be aware of […]

Researchers Test Flashing Light Therapy for Alzheimer’s

A research team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is currently exploring the benefits of flashing light therapy. The researchers believe that flashing light therapy may be able to reduce the amount of beta amyloid proteins in the brain, which could help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. Researchers flashed light at genetically engineered mice who […]