Day: April 2, 2018

Creative Couples’ Intervention Significantly Helps People with Alzheimer’s Communicate

Relationships are often strained when one partner is suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. The loss of memories is one thing but adding on the stress of guilt felt on both sides adds to those long term problems. This treatment focuses on the relationship of both partners and skills that will help them both function […]

Testosterone – Action, Booster – Testosterone as Doping

Testosterone is a natural human hormone, produced by our bodies.  Testosterone goes into the blood, where it circulates alongside the other hormones the human body utilizes. In the case of testosterone, it plays a key role in a number of major activities: It affects how the body uses and produces proteins, which affects how quickly […]

The Real Reason You’re Always Tired

Chronic fatigue is more than simply being tired regularly; it can lead to serious health issues. And the lack of sleep often creates stress, both from the sleep deprivation as well as the physical effects, which turns into a cycle of still more problems sleeping. Which worsen the physical health impacts, and so on. The […]

Totally Fit Spark Plug – Detox and Jesus The Rabbi

Hey Champion, The primary way in which your body expels toxins is via the liver, which detoxifies and cleanses your body by continuously filtering the blood of toxins that enter it through the digestive tract, the skin, and the respiratory system.