Day: April 6, 2018

Why You Stress Out When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Our lives fall apart without sleep. We all need it to function. But solid and effective sleep isn’t something everyone can explain. What’s good sleep, and what will prevent us from getting it? First and foremost, we need to keep breathing when we’re sleeping. Oxygen is the one thing we need more than regular and […]

Do Your Contact Lenses Feel Fresh?

We all love that crisp feeling when we’ve just come out of the shower. It’s no different when it comes to our eyes. Contact lens wearers will know this feeling quite well. But some of us let ourselves get inured to the well worn contacts we’ve been using, even as they might leave us feeling […]

The Risks of Fish Oil Supplements

Long thought of as a miracle fat, the Omega 3 oils common in fish might not be the panacea of medical wonder as many of us think. Some research has been put forward that claims Omega 3 oils carry a host of medical risks, including possible cancer of certain types. But further investigation into many […]

Dementia Increases the Risk of 30-Day Readmission to the Hospital after Discharge

When your doctors feel your hospital stay is no longer needed, they discharge you. But for some time, when considering elderly patients, it’s been known there is a link between patients who have dementia and how hospital stays can affect their cognitive and physical condition. Worse, for these dementia patients who require a readmission to […]