Month: August 2018


Many U.S. Adults Take Medicines That Can Cause Depression

If you start feeling down, it could be something you’ve been taking for another medical problem. More than one in three people in the United States take a medication that could be causing them to experience depression. Many of these medications are ordinary, even common, though most patients taking them aren’t aware of the documented […]

What Is Industrial Hemp? (Does It Contain CBD?)

One of the oldest industrially useful crops known to man is hemp. It’s only been in the last century, literally about a hundred years or so, that hemp has become a demonized plant. Now that legalization is starting to sweep not just the United States, but the world as well, hemp is returning to the […]

This Is What Your Dreams Really Mean

Dreams, every goodnight’s sleep has them.   Sometimes we remember them more often we don’t.   Can you put crazy dreams down to a spicy meal?   I don’t think so.   Dream analysis or Depth Psychology studies what your unconscious psyche is telling you. Dreams about missing a test or being late for work […]

So, Can You Get Your Daily Calcium Needs From Ice Cream?

Calcium is a common dietary nutrient that not everyone regularly gets enough of. For this reason, we’re often reminded to drink milk, as it is a great source of calcium. But not everyone likes milk. Where does that leave non-milk drinkers? Are they destined to have problems maintaining strong bones and healthy teeth, both of […]