Month: September 2018

Life Expectancy Declines Seen in U.S. and Other High-Income Countries

For years, the trend in modern countries with robust economies and well functioning scientific populations was increasing life expectancy. Research would improve some aspect of the human condition, and the existing healthcare system would put the new technology or discovery into practice, and people would live longer. That is changing though, for a number of […]

Cannabis For The Win: Sports Leagues See The Light On CBD

Sports organizations have long taken an anti drug stance. Part of this is for societal reasons, to help discourage viewers and fans of the sports to take up drugs. And the other part has traditionally been for reasons of performance; to help discourage athletes from seeking artificial advantages that some drugs might offer. BIG3 is […]

Dry vs. Dehydrated Skin: How to Tell the Difference

Skin care is the central aspect of general beauty. Everything starts with your skin, and if it’s not in good shape, it’s tough or even impossible for any amount of makeup, spa treatments, or expert professional assistance to let you put your best foot forward. Sometimes dry skin might not seem like a bad thing. […]

Researchers Demonstrate Safe, Non-Invasive Way to Open Blood-Brain Barrier in Alzheimer’s Patients

The blood-brain barrier has long been an obstacle for modern medicine’s hopes to directly treat or affect the brain’s tissue. This is a natural defense the human body has to prevent substances passing from the blood stream that circulates through the brain’s blood vessels into the neural tissue. Normally, this prevents toxins or other ingested […]

Protein, Protein, How Much Should We Consume Per Day?

Protein is necessary for aiding many of our body functions including but not limited to digestion, tissue growth, and transporting nutrients to our cells. You can ensure you are getting enough protein by eating foods that are rich in it like most meats and poultry, eggs, or even using a protein supplement or protein shake. […]

5 Expert Hacks To Make Intermittent Fasting Super Easy

One of the latest dieting trends is to alternate when you diet by days. Every other day you eat normally, with days of dieting spaced between them. Intermittent Fasting, as this new approach to dieting is being called, is not without some level of controversy. It’s really a form of regular fasting, and not everyone […]

Four in 10 Women With Asthma May Develop COPD

New research shows that asthma may not just be a breathing or lung problem in and of itself. Canadian medical researchers have data showing women who have asthma are forty percent more likely to contract a significantly more severe lung disease or breathing disorder. One of the most severe medical issues that can arise is […]

When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night?

Every parent of a newborn quickly learns babies sleep differently than adults. They sleep more frequently, for most of the time, but will rouse themselves repeatedly throughout the day and night to let you know they need something. Most infants will sleep about two thirds of the twenty-four hours in a full day and night […]

Sport Specialization Tied to Injuries in Kids and Teens

New research that looked at children involved in sports has raised a concern about injury risk. When children focus on one sport, rather than playing or participating in a wider array of exercise or sport activities, they are at greater risk of suffering injury. The research study looked at nearly six thousand children below the […]

The Cost of Dementia Care in 2018

A recent study by Northwest Mutual Insurance looked at caregivers and the costs associated with caregiving. Many Gen X and Mellennials will be asked to care for aging parents while at the same time raising families of their own.     If that care comes with a dementia diagnosis the cost and time of the […]