Month: July 2019

How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety Thru Chakra Healing 7 Steps

The ancient Sanskrit word “chakra” literally translates to mean “wheel.” But in this case, we are not talking about a wheel on a car but rather a wheel of energy.

Is MSG Causing Your Headache?

How to Eat for PCOS

What do you eat for healing the symptoms of PCOS? Is it the diet du jour like keto, intermittent fasting,…

What You Need to Know About Resetting Your Sleep Cycle

You are probably aware by now that getting a good night’s rest is crucial to your physical, mental, and emotional health. However, although health officials are doing as much as they can to sound the alarm about how important sleep is, many adults are still not getting the recommended amount.

Big Sugar and the Global Pandemic of Obesity

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that we should limit the amount of trans fat, saturated fats, salt, and salt in our diet.  Talking about the possibility of a global pandemic of obesity might be heresy before. However, with what was happening in recent years up to today, we can’t just brush the issue under […]

Hormone Balance Day 1: Eat More & Exercise Less

It’s so great to be here with you today. Today is day one of five secrets to…

CBD User’s Guide

CBD might be a popular topic nowadays, but to those who are new about it might be confused as to where to get valuable information. This CBD user’s guide can be a starting point for them to learn more about this amazing compound. CBD or cannabidiol is the part of cannabis that doesn’t get you […]

Plant versus Animal Iron

Iron is very important to our overall health. It helps oxygen get through our body. Although our blood carries oxygen, there must be iron in the blood for it to do this successfully. Low iron in the blood could lead to a condition called anemia. This can be very dangerous. Anemia can cause a person […]

What Does Your Thyroid Do?