Our PCOS articles on Healthstatus.com

PCOS and High Cholesterol – Get to the Root of The Problem, Improve Your Health and Eliminate Dangerous Symptoms Forever

I’m sure you want to improve your health. If you have PCOS and high cholesterol, you can show many undesirable risks that can be improved or even reversed with the right approach. Read on and find out what are the risks for PCOS and high cholesterol and how you can improve your condition for better […]

PCOS Symptoms: Do You Have Them?

One of the leading causes of infertility, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is an all too common problem among women today. Though awareness about this condition is more heightened than ever, the variety of symptoms with which it can present are diverse enough to make getting a firm diagnosis a bit tricky at times; however, […]

PCOS: Fight Back Against This Disease

Receiving a positive diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can be scary, especially if you are not fully aware of the symptoms and dangers that the condition entails. Up to this point, you have probably been through several doctor visits, many tests, and sometimes painful symptoms. The process of getting a firm diagnosis can be […]

Tired and Can’t Focus? PCOS May Be to Blame

Everyone gets into a slump at some point or another, feeling tired, irritable, and having a difficult time concentrating on tasks at hand. Between overbooked schedules and the constantly moving culture that people live in today, it is bound to happen; however, no one should feel tired all of the time if they are healthy […]

Can You Blame Your Breakouts on PCOS?

At some point in life, everyone gets a pimple or two… or many. Depending upon your skin type, your genes, the lifestyle you lead, and your personal hygiene habits, you will experience a certain amount of blemishes and breakouts. Oftentimes, people think that pimples and other skin issues are only to be expected during the […]

What is Primary Amenorrhea and What Does it Have to Do with PCOS?

Facing the changes of puberty can be difficult for many girls, but keeping the fact in mind that everyone’s body is different and that every person goes through this rather tumultuous stage in life at a different rate can be helpful. Despite the fact that every woman’s body changes at its own pace, there are […]

The Devastating Effects of Insulin Resistance and PCOS

Imagine having your world turned upside down by an illness that you can’t see or feel, one that settles itself in your body and can cause a variety of serious health conditions, but may be difficult to pinpoint. Insulin Resistance is such a condition, and it can cause a variety of other serious health problems, […]

High Cholesterol? If You Have PCOS, the Cause May Not be Rooted in Your Diet

High cholesterol is one of those diagnoses that people get without always understanding exactly what it means. Of course, most people are aware that it can lead to heart disease due to buildup of cholesterol in the arteries, but often times individuals may not consider the fact that this issue is due to an underlying […]

Hypertension and PCOS: A Dangerous Combination

Women that are diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) are at risk of developing a variety of symptoms, some of which are more dangerous than others. One of the most devastating symptoms is a high risk for heart disease, which is due to the high blood pressure (hypertension) and high cholesterol that many women with […]

Can PCOS Increase Your Risk for Heart Disease?

At first glance, the idea may seem impossible. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a condition that is considered to be gynecological in nature, affecting the fertility and hormones of a woman, not her cardiovascular system. However, there have been several links found between the two conditions, and researchers have discovered that women with PCOS […]