Allergies Asthma Sinus

Our Allergies Asthma Sinus articles on

Why Are The City Kids More Prone To Food Allergies?

Why some children develop food allergies and others do not has been puzzling both parents and doctors. A new study shows that kids living in big cities are more prone to food allergies than their friends living in the rural areas. This is particularly obvious with allergies to peanut and shellfish. Scientists explain the results […]

Food Allergies

Can you imagine being allergic to food? Well, some people don’t have to imagine. Food allergies affect approximately 15 million Americans, with approximately 6 million of those being children. According to the CDC, food allergies in children send nearly 300,000 kids to the emergency rooms every year.

Pets Protect Kids From Asthma

If you want to protect your baby from the respiratory syncytial virus and potential asthma, get a puppy. This is the recommendation that comes from the results of the new study presented at the recent 2012 General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.

How To Manage Allergies?

If you are sneezing, itching, wheezing, coughing, your eyes are red and you are constantly being congested, you are one of 50 million Americans who suffer from some form of allergic disease. While the number of people with some types of allergy, such as dust mites, is decreasing, others are on the increase. Climate change […]

Are Allergies Good?

Every spring and beautiful blooming trees send thousands of pollen-allergy sufferers into agony of sneezing. Watery eyes, clogged sinuses, leaking nose, they are horrible nuisances usually treated with allergy medicine and avoiding going out at all. But, it seems that the sneezing attacks and other manifestations of allergic reactions are our body’s way of telling […]

Is Your Carpet Dangerous?

There is nothing like lovely clean smell of freshly cleaned carpet. We spend a lot of time on the floor,  snoozing, playing and roughhousing with our kids or pets, especially during the winter, and having a clean carpet is a must. Carpet cleaning services are affordable, they come to our homes, they clean and dry […]

Treatment Of Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are easy to treat with proper home care. Sinus infections usually block the nasal passages making it difficult for a person to breathe and also interfere with ones sleep and speech. Treating a sinus infection and making sure that they don”t reoccur requires some home based care that makes sure that it resolves […]

Sinus Infection steaming

The Neti Pot and Salt Rinses For Sinus Health

The neti pot is a centuries old pot that has been used for the irrigation of blocked nasal passages. If you frequently suffer from nasal congestion due to allergies, rhinitis or frequent colds, using the neti pot may be the best way for you to maintain your sinus health.

It is a Sad Day When you are Allergic to Your Pet!

One of the most annoying kinds of allergies that there is, especially for us animal lovers – allergies to pets.   Can anything be done to reduce the allergens produced by pets?

Antihistamines and How They Work

The best way to explain what an antihistamine is and what it does is to actually break the word down.   Antihistamine is composed of two words, anti and histamine.   Anti means to be against something or act against something.   Which leaves us with what histamine is.   Histamine is something that your […]