Life-Changing Benefits Of Senior Injury Rehabilitation

If you ask anyone over the age of 50, they will tell you that it seems to take much longer for their bodies to heal from injuries than it used to. Seniors can expect to increase their rehabilitation times the older that they get drastically.

When seniors have physical injuries like a broken hip or a medical injury like a stroke, it can change their way of life for many years. At that age, your body doesn’t have the same level of efficiency when it comes to repairing tissues and bone. Cell regeneration and muscle repair take far longer in seniors.

The healing ability of the body begins to wane as the body gets older. So, doesn’t it make sense that the rehab process would be more lengthy and inclusive than for any other age group?

In many cases, when a senior has suffered from an injury, it can sideline their daily routines indefinitely if the right rehabilitation program is not part of the therapy. Seniors can lose their independence when healing times become extended, leading to other health and emotional issues such as lack of mobility and depression.

The chances of an injury turning into a permanent disability are too high to ignore. Senior rehabilitation programs are specially designed to fit their patients’ needs to help them get as much of their mobility and health back as possible. Let’s take a look at some of the life-saving benefits of senior injury rehabilitation.


Full-Time Care

Trying to recover from an injury at home might seem more comfortable and less of a hassle, but it also carries some significant risks. When in recovery, you will need a lot of support, both physically and emotionally. That’s what a rehabilitation center can do for you.

The healing process is full of constant changes that need to be monitored and addressed. Rehab care gives you the comfort of knowing that you have round the clock care and attention to your healing journey.

Medical and therapeutic staff are available to you whenever you need advice or help.

Your case will be handled with care at any hour of the day. If you have pain during the night, need help getting out of bed or getting dressed, or need someone to talk to, the full-time staff will help you.


Variety Of Therapies

Senior injuries require a specialized treatment program to enhance healing. When you go to a senior rehabilitation facility you won’t get treated like just another patient.

You will never be given a generic handout sheet listing a few exercises and general care instructions and then sent home to manage on your own.

Your rehabilitation journey will include therapies that will most benefit your injury, the healing process, and recovery goals. Many rehabilitation centers offer a wide variety of treatments, including:

  • Swimming
  • Strength training
  • Pilates muscle training
  • Aerobic workouts
  • Yoga
  • Stretching and meditation
  • Therapeutic massage

Your rehabilitation team is also there to help you heal from the emotional stress of dealing with an injury and a long recovery.

Therapists and counselors are available to help you battle your issues with depression and anxiety regarding your healing process. Your mind and body will both be treated with the best care as you work through your rehabilitation process.


Personalized Treatments

Every injury patient is different, and this is especially the case with seniors. Complex medical and injury histories are all parts of the considerations when your rehabilitation program is designed. There is no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to senior injury rehab.

Outpatient physical therapy may have its merits, but it can’t compare to the customized attention that you get from a rehabilitation facility. Once you arrive, you will be evaluated by a team of doctors and therapists, and an entire individual therapy schedule will be designed just for you.

The severity of your injury, your age, your medical history, and your lifestyle will all be a part of your program design. Each exercise, specific dietary needs, and an expected recovery timeline will be designed just for you.

Great care is taken by your rehabilitation team to do everything to get you back to your regular routine as soon as possible. Multiple aspects of your physical and mental healing process will be considered to give you the maximum benefits and the fullest possible recovery.

If you have suffered an injury and are considering entering a senior injury rehabilitation, you need to know that you will be in good hands. Make sure you do your research first. At top facilities, experts in every field will work alongside you as you enter your recovery.

Individualized programs designed for your specific needs will help you recover at the right pace for you.



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HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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