Though a lesser-known disease, peripheral neuropathy affects millions of individuals in the United States. This painful disease is caused by nerve damage, which has been linked to diabetes and a vitamin B12 deficiency, among other causes. One of the best ways to treat this disease, as noted in this article, is by prevention. By educating yourself, family members, and other loved ones, you will be able to notice common symptoms and risk factors earlier. Certain behaviors or actions may also lead to early prevention. For instance, exercise and a diet with only moderate amounts of sugar may aid in preventing this disease, and lead to a healthier lifestyle overall. Recognizing symptoms, such as irregular breathing, trouble walking, tingling, and numbness, may also allow time for treatment.
Key Points:
- 1Diabetes is the leading cause of neuropathy today.
- 2Other causes include vitamin B12 deficiency, alcoholism, chemotherapy, traumatic injury and exposure to toxins
- 3The drug metformin can damage nerves
Since diabetes is a major cause of peripheral neuropathy, it is also one of the most preventable diseases associated with it.
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