You may be suffering from arthritis of the big toe without realizing it. If your big toe joint hurts or throbs during or before running, it may be because of arthritis. Arthritis only affecting the elderly is a common misconception, as it can occur at any age. Highly-active people are particularly susceptible to arthritis of the big toe joint because of the amount of impact occurring at that joint during running or exercise. If you suspect you might have big toe joint arthritis, get it checked out with an X-ray. Treatments include ice, NSAIDS, or changing running shoes–a stiffer shoe can help relieve the stress placed on the joint during running. Steroid injections, custom inserts, and surgery are other options for treatment.
Key Points:
- 1Do you ever get big toe joint pain while or after running? Does it feel stiff or throb during or after running? You may be suffering from arthritis of your big toe joint.
- 2hen you think of arthritis, you often say to yourself, “I’m too young for that”, or “that is only something my grandparents have.” Truth be told, arthritis can affect most anyone at most any age.
- 3Treatment for big toe joint arthritis often varies on the severity of the arthritis. Treatment may include: ice, rest, NSAIDS, and shoe gear modification.
Truth be told, arthritis can affect most anyone at most any age.
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