Many people have to deal with chronic pain. Some common causes can be weight or stress. Many people do not know that eating certain foods can actually cause or worsen chronic pain. Some people have seen a reduction in their chronic pain by eliminating inflammatory foods from their diet. It is recommended that those trying an elimination diet do so for three months to see if their pain level improves. Some of the foods found to worsen chronic pain are nightshade vegetables, wheat, dairy, lentils and processed and red meat. Similarly, people have seen reduction in pain by adding certain herbs, spices and foods to their diet. Some examples of these are tulsi leaves, ginger, turmeric, garlic turmeric, ghee, and organic vegetables.
Key Points:
- 1Food can be to blame for the rise in chronic body pains. Not one single food, but our whole diet. Experiment for 3 months, by adding foods that ease pain and remove foods that cause pain. See if the pain is lesser. Re-introduce them one at a time, after 3 months i.e., once a week if pain triggers remove them from your diet.
- 2Items to add to diet include: tulsi, spices (including ginger, tumeric and garlic tumeric), ghee, organic foods. Items to remove from diet include: wheat, dairy, vinegar, beverages, and lentils.
- 3Chronic pain in the back, shoulders, knees, and joints seems to be on the rise. The causes can include, being overweight, highly stressed, chemicals and pesticides in food and intake of certain foods can trigger pain too.
Certain herbs, spices, fats and grains can prevent chronic pain and it should be part of your daily routine.
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