Back Shoulder Joints

Our Back Shoulder Joints articles on

Treatment for Broken Bones and Stress Fractures

Broken bones are less than common injuries in the sports arena. But when they do happen they are painful and require immediate medical attention. Stress fractures are injuries that aren’t really fractures at all but rather a splitting of the bone through overuse and stress.

Tennis Elbow

Lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow, is a degenerative condition of the tendon that attaches to the bony part of the elbow from chronic overuse and abuse. The tendons involved are those that anchor the muscles of the wrist and hand to lift and raise the wrist. Ask anyone who has suffered from the symptoms of […]

Arthritis Treatment Lies In Your Lifestyle

It’s a myth to think that arthritis is an old-age disease. In fact, arthritis is NOT caused by old age! According to medical experts, this medical condition is the result of unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, sedentary life, vitamin deficiencies, stress, incorrect breathing, and insufficient sleep.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Have you felt chronic pain in the outside of your knee? Or maybe you have hip pain. There are several possibilities and one is Iliotibial Band Syndrome, also called ITB.

Understanding Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, otherwise known as “degenerative joint disease”, is one of the most common forms of arthritis with more than 20 million American sufferers to date.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga through meditation works remarkably to achieve harmony and helps the mind work in synchronization with the body. How often do we find that we are unable to perform our activities properly and in a satisfying manner because of the confusions and conflicts in our mind weigh down heavily upon us?

Back Pain Relief – What You Need To Know

Back pain is a medical condition that affects many people. It affects your daily activities. Back pain is also a symptom of other medical conditions. Hence, it is necessary to determine the cause of this problem and seek proper treatment for getting relief from back ache.

Calluses, Corns & Warts Causes , Symptoms & Treatment

It is summer and our feet our out there running around barefoot or in sandals, so are your feet in good shape? Are you dealing with calluses, corns or warts? Let’s review the basics of good foot care and take care of your feet this summer.

How To Have Healthy Joints?

A human body has number of joints that allow it to bend and twist. These bends and twists allow a human body to perform different functions like walking, writing, jumping, dancing, etc. A joint is nothing but a point where two or more bones meet. A human body has four types of joints. These are […]

Hamstring Injuries

The hamstring muscles are located on the back of the thigh and are actually three different muscles. They are powerful, spread across the back of the thigh and connect to the bones at the lower end of the pelvis and below the knee. They function to flex (bend) the knee joint and straighten the hip […]