Back Shoulder Joints

Our Back Shoulder Joints articles on

Middle Age Arthritis – When You Least Expect It

While a few cases of arthritis may be seen in the below thirty age group, research has shown that arthritis predominantly affects the middle aged. Doctors, however say that the disease starts affecting your joints from as early as the late twenties, early thirties. The only thing is that we do now know of this, […]

Are You Suffering From TMJ?

Temporomandibular joint disorder, also called TMJ syndrome, is a medical term for chronic or acute inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, that is, the joint which connects the mandibles (jaws) to the skull. Generally joint disorders such as arthritis, ankylosis, trauma, development problems, dislocations and neoplasia are conditions that affect these joints. However, TMJ symptoms are […]

Water Aerobics Helps Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a physical condition that is characterized by aching and pain in muscles, tendons and joints at specific points along the body. Physicians, who used to believe that this condition was more psychological than physiological, have now found measurable chemical changes in the body of people with fibromyalgia.

Demystifying Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disorder that affects the joints and either produces swelling or cartilage degeneration. While the cause is yet to be determined, research shows that it is directly related to age and most frequently occurs between the ages 40—50. This is why most people are likely to see the onset of this […]

Regular Exercising Keeps Your Shoulders Healthy

The shoulder is actively used in most hand movements such as picking, pushing, pulling and throwing. The shoulder consists of shoulder joints and shoulder blades.

How To Increase Back Flexibility

When we exercise, we should give special attention to our back. Our spine is full of joints that perform the important function of supporting our whole body. As a result the spine can suffer from many problems like pain due to improper posture or sudden movement.

How To Buy A Good Walking Shoe

Walking is one of the most common exercises. A daily walk rejuvenates both the mind and body. When you buy walking shoes you must give priority to comfort over style. If you take a look at your feet you will understand the areas where they need support while walking.

How To Stretch Your Hamstrings The Right Way

Hamstrings are muscles that are situated on the back portion of our thighs. They are essentially used in all the activities done by our legs like sitting, standing, walking, jogging and in sports which involve jumping and running.

Best Viewing Angle For Large Flat Screen Televisions

So, you’ve gone and purchased that beautiful flat panel TV that you’ve been eyeing for a while now at your local electronic store. Great, but where are you going to put it? Up over the mantel or the fireplace?

Stretching Your Calves to Keep Them Toned

The calf muscles are located at the back portion of the leg, below the knee. This muscle is actively used in all our leg movements like walking, jumping and running. It is important to have flexible calf muscles so that all our leg activities can be carried out without any difficulty.