As we exhale, there us a chemical called Acetone, which aids in the bodies metabolic fat burning capabilities. What the product does, is it allows the user to measure their Acetone output via breath to determine what actions are getting a positive result and what isn’t working. Since everyone is different the app works for a couple different settings. The first is what we eat. Measuring breath Acetone, one can determine if what we are consuming is actually helping us to lose the body fat. According to Dr. Joe Anderson, who helped to develop LEVL, maintaining two parts per million of Acetone in respiration would lead to about .5 pounds of fat loss per week . The second is in our physical activity. It is recommended to get 150 minutes of physical activity per week just to maintain body weight, but more if one is trying to lose weight. Nu measuring the acetone parts per million before and after physical activity, it can help determine if you are on track and if there us not the expected range, it can help doctors know what to help adjust. Not only that, but we all get frustrated when we work hard and feel like we are getting nowhere. This will help the user to know they are still making progress. LEVL willbe available early 2017.
Key Points of Video:
- 1Levl is a product that allows you to measure how things like the exercises and the way you eat is affecting your fat burning capabilities
- 2As opposed to a scale which tells you who you are right at that moment LEVL can predict here you are going with your weight loss by showing you if you are actually burning fat.
- 3The app can tell you projections of how much weight you will lose by the fat you burn, as well as where you have been in the past. It allows you to make better decisions for the future.