Getting ready for that big day is one of the most exciting times of your life. You are not only happy to begin your life as a married couple but you are being showered with love, happiness, and gifts as your friends and family come around you to celebrate.
Brides these days look a lot different than just a couple decades ago. We women are often already established, may have a home already and even a good supply of kitchen appliances. That being said, we can still use some simple tips on sprucing up our kitchen and letting the friends and family who do want to gift us before the big wedding day.
Here are 4 quick kitchen tips that will wow even your mother-in-law!
Clear your refrigerator out monthly. We tend to collect bottles and jars and boxes in our refrigerator and pantry from week to week as foods we intend to use get overlooked or only partially used in our recipes. As you toss items which have expired or replace them, go ahead and wipe off the drawers and shelves and arrange items neatly. This will make your interiors sparkle. Anyone looking in will be inspired by the bright colors, textures, and varieties of the items you keep!
Keep your pantry stocked with nutritionally dense, whole products. You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to do it either. Share with friends and family that you are working on the healthiest version of you and that means putting delicious, nutritious foods in your pantry regularly. Thrive Market offers one of the best channels of getting these foods to you!! Your mom or mother-in-law will love your plan to provide you and your fiancé with meals comprised of the best ingredients. You’ll love the convenience of having these foods delivered to your door.
Tie a ribbon around it. You can mesh holiday spirit with your own creative flare by tying a festive ribbon around some of your kitchen jars or containers that sit on your counters. While you’re adding a little color to your kitchen, take inventory of where you are with your flours, nuts, and rices. Consider putting raw nuts, nut flours, and rice varieties on your list too–they can be pricey to purchase in bulk, but friends and family will be happy to help you build your supply of these staples–they just need to know what you like!
Dust off your blender. Getting ready for that big day means you have busy days ahead! All that great work in your bridal boot camp will mean nothing if you aren’t pairing it with a custom nutritional plan! Pull out your blender and be intentional about both losing weight quickly as you stick to your wedding fitness plan by adding a nutritious protein shake in the mix once a day. I love the results the USANA nutrimeal delivers! You’ll find you may need a new blender after starting this routine, so tell your friends and fam to consider getting you one. Blendtec varieties provide some of the highest quality blenders by releasing nutrients in just the right proportions!
Be happy, healthy, and whole!
Getting ready for that special day can be the best time of your life. You can work on a sleek kitchen and a wedding-fit body at the same time! What’s more, with the right perspective on balancing daily choices like these here, you’ll make decisions that stay with you for a lifetime of living in a healthier, happier, whole lives!