Apply This Magical Ingredient To Your Face For Gorgeous & Glowing Skin On Your Wedding Day

Having a glowing completion on your big day is a top goal for brides!   Beautiful clear skin is a refection of your health and well being and influenced by what you put in your body and what you put on your body.

Here are 6 strategies to implement now that will guarantee flawless and radiant skin on your Big Day:

  1. Eat “Real Food”– high quality vegetables, fruit, eggs, nuts, seeds and animal protein.
  2. Reduce or Eliminate “Fake Food”– processed and nutrient deficient food usually found in a box and containing lots of unknown ingredients.
  3. Take in Probiotics, Vitamins and Essential Fatty Acids- pay attention to the source and quality! Look for products that are pharmaceutical grade and manufactured in a facility with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP seal).   Getting optimal levels of antioxidants, minerals and fish oil has an anti-aging effect on skin and literally will shine through!   Healthy guts are a “must” for amazing skin; by using an effective probiotic and adding in fermented foods to your diet will contribute to good gut health.
  4. Drink Water- a lot of it! The goal is ½ your body weight in ounces.   Set up the amount you need in the morning and start the day (while the coffee is brewing) with a big glass with fresh lemon juice.
  5. Drink Bone Brothliterally the Holy Grail for gut health and amazing nutrition, which equals an exquisite complexion.
  6. Daily Skin Routine- the secret to success is always found in your daily habits. Cleanse, tone, exfoliate twice per week, moisturize and use sunscreen containing zinc oxide.

 The secret ingredient I mentioned in the title of this blog is (drumroll) glycolic acid! Glycolic acid is derived from sugar cane and has a reputation as being a miracle worker!   It’s an exfoliator and works best used daily with 5-10% concentration in the product (serum or pads).   It removes the outer layer of dead skin cells and brings out fresh new skin to the surface.   It’s perfect for removing blackheads, fine lines and treating acne and other skin conditions.

I LOVE to hear from you!   Leave your comments below and let me know how your daily routine including glycolic acid is working for you.

As your Bride Fit coach, my desire for you is to feel fit & fabulous and look radiant on your big day!   Join 12 Weeks to a Fit Bride today and get wedding dress ready in addition to learning all the secrets to living “healthily & happily” ever after!


Sheila is a health coach and creator of 12 WEEKS TO A FIT BRIDE.    She works with BRIDES in the area’s of fitness, nutrition & lifestyle to create a life of “happily & healthily ever after.”

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Written by Sheila Piehler
Medical Writer & Editor

Sheila is a health coach and creator of 12 WEEKS TO A FIT BRIDE.    She works with BRIDES in the area’s of fitness, nutrition & lifestyle to create a life of “happily & healthily ever after.”

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