From all current research, it appears that cannabinoids, such as CBD, could be effective in the treatment of ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can lead to a dopamine deficiency, which can lead to an imbalance in a person’s reward-motivated behavioral system.
However, through experiments with lab mice, researchers were able to figure out that CBD could be able to reduce the activity of certain proteins in the brain responsible for diminished dopamine levels. Norepinephrine, another vital hormone, is also found in lower amounts in people with ADHD. But, CBD oil can help with this.
CBD can help by stimulating areas of the brain responsible for producing Norepinephrine, which in turn can raise Dopamine levels. Many of the benefits could still be unknown, as the research pool on cannabis’ effect on those with ADHD is small.
However, up to 25% of people, when asked about the topic, though cannabis improved their symptoms. Unfortunately, most cases of ADHD are children, who are more difficult to expose to cannabis-based research. However, other tests done on children with epilepsy had positive results when the children were given a combined CBD/THC treatment over the course of 20 weeks.
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To truly understand the effects of cannabis in the treatment of ADHD, more research has to be done, but many scientists believe that it is beneficial and might improve the lives of millions with ADHD
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Key Points:
- 1 The few studies that do exist show that CBD could help individuals with ADHD
- 2 More research is needed to determine if CBD is safe to use on children
- 3 The writers hope that more research will be done since this has the potential to improve lives
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