Christian Principles of Integrity & Business: Part 4

Today we will examine the scriptures for understanding on Financial Matters & Decisions in business.

God is our provider.   Genesis 22:14 and many other scripture references.

God wants me to be a good steward of His provision. Malachi 3:10

We are to pursue our relationship with God over material possessions. Luke 16:13

Borrowing money should be approached with caution. Proverbs 22:7

Get full disclosure and written agreements before entering into partner relationships.

Avoid get rich quick schemes. Proverbs 10:4

The full article has many scripture references and more tips for financially running a business that honors God.

Key Points:

  • 1The lessons emerged through my relationships with other business leaders, government officials, customers while performing work for them, suppliers and additional lessons have been learned as I served in churches, Christian schools and universities, and para-church ministries.
  • 2The Lord commands that I provide for my family I Timothy 5:8 and leave an inheritance to my children’s children Proverbs 13:22.
  • 3We are to be generous with God’s provision Proverbs 11:24, especially with those who helped us achieve success.

I don’t believe debt or excessive credit should be used to sustain corporate survival, but only to afford expansion based on a realistic expectation of projected revenue and the ability to repay the debt.

Read the full article at:


Ray is the Co-Founder of Truth At Work. Prior to this role, he served as CEO until January 2016. In his role of Co-Founder, Ray is responsible for building high level strategic relationships on behalf of Truth At Work, facilitates several Round Table Groups, helps establish new markets, develops new curriculum, as well as serving as host of Truth At Work’s “Bottom Line Faith” podcast series. Additionally, Ray is in the process of writing two new books that will be released in the coming months. Ray is also a highly sought after speaker at churches and retreats across America, where for years he has challenged followers of Christ to integrate their faith in and through the marketplace on a daily basis. He is also part of the speaking faculty for Orlando, Florida based “Man In the Mirror” ministry where he conducts seminars and retreats across the country.

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Written by Ray Hilbert
Medical Writer & Editor

Ray is the Co-Founder of Truth At Work. Prior to this role, he served as CEO until January 2016. In his role of Co-Founder, Ray is responsible for building high level strategic relationships on behalf of Truth At Work, facilitates several Round Table Groups, helps establish new markets, develops new curriculum, as well as serving as host of Truth At Work’s “Bottom Line Faith” podcast series. Additionally, Ray is in the process of writing two new books that will be released in the coming months. Ray is also a highly sought after speaker at churches and retreats across America, where for years he has challenged followers of Christ to integrate their faith in and through the marketplace on a daily basis. He is also part of the speaking faculty for Orlando, Florida based “Man In the Mirror” ministry where he conducts seminars and retreats across the country.

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