Psalm 127: 1-2 says that, “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat-for He grants sleep to those He loves.”
Several years ago you might recall that actor/comedian Bill Murray starred in a movie titled “Groundhog Day.” Now his character was a reporter that had been assigned to covering Punxsutawney Phil- you know that groundhog who peeks his head out to determine how long it will be before spring arrives. Well at one point in the movie, every morning that Bill Murray wakes up, that day is exactly the same as the one before. He soon comes to realize that no matter what he does- the next day’s going to be the same. Now there are no consequences to his actions- and no variety to his life.
I don’t know about you but I can certainly relate to that. It seems that sometimes one day just rolls into the next- and I can easily find myself in a rut.
Well do you ever find yourself working more than ever and wondering where you’re headed?
Well let me encourage you to focus on serving the Lord, build everything for His Glory and He will make it all worthwhile.
You see when you do this —you will be applying The Truth@Work.
Application Questions:
- 1What does this message say to you?
- 2How do you get out of a rut of daily routine?
- 3Are you allowing the Lord to be in charge of your schedule? If not, how can you?