Spiritually Fit

Our Spiritually Fit articles on Healthstatus.com

A Generous Man Will Prosper

Proverbs 11:25 says that “A generous man will prosper; that he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”

A Cheerful Heart

Proverbs 17:22 says  that “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

Keeping Your Word

Truth at Work has a great video on the importance of keeping your word.  It is important to tell the truth at all times and in all situations and to all people.  This includes your customers, coworkers, friends and family.  Even when circumstances change keeping promises and telling the truth is important. Trust is built […]

3 Steps to Addressing Failure

As relates to James 5:16 We learn about confessing our sins to one another whether friend or pastor. Someone with a understanding heart but can give an objective opinion on the situation. We learn about different examples of mistakes that we may deal with in real life situations. Failing to turn in a project or […]

Earning Respect

We all enjoy an occasional pat on the back. And sometimes it may seem like if we don’t toot our own horn that no one else will. Nonetheless, while acknowledgement and fanfare are great, it’s often those quiet workers, the ones with their nose to the grindstone, doing what needs to be done, not for […]

Are You Going Through the Motions?

The concept of sacrifice has been around certainly as long as mankind has been able to write about it, and can be found in many incarnations, throughout the old and new Testaments of the Bible. Nor does it speak only to that most archaic manifestation of the concept of sacrifice, having to do with altars.

Stay Positive – Especially When Others are Negative (5 Steps to Greatness – Part 5)

The final step in Five Steps to Greatness centers on the most important factor of being successful in both life and business: Keeping a positive outlook. Here are seven insightful tips for staying productive and constructive amidst frustration and hardship. Following these disciplines can help you to overcome the negativity that surrounds you every day. […]

Focus on the Process Not the Result (5 Steps to Greatness – Part 4)

The journey is more important than the destination. This is the basic principal of the fourth step of The Five Steps to Greatness. The path to true success begins with learning to tell the difference between what you don’t (and do!) have control over in your life or business. You can maximize your time and […]

Major on the Minors (5 Steps to Greatness – Part 3)

In part three on the 5 Steps To Greatness series, Major In the Minors. The narrator discusses how the little details of things can affect your overall performance. He gives an example of how grown foxes (big things) like to eat grapes in vineyards, but, being that they’re tall, they just eat the grapes and […]

Do the Right Thing Even When No One is Looking (5 Steps to Greatness – Part 2)

This is a thought provoking and motivational video about doing the right thing. This video is part 2 of a series of videos called, “5 steps to greatness.” It gives a very interesting real world example of what happens when people don’t do the right thing and how dire the consequences can sometimes be. It […]