Spiritually Fit

Our Spiritually Fit articles on Healthstatus.com

Outhustle and Outwork Everyone (5 Steps to Greatness – Part 1)

This video helps determine how to be successful in life and work. Through Gods works and vision, you can achieve success. There are five steps to this process. The first step is to outhustle and outwork anyone. The most successful people are not necessary the most talented, rather they work hard and go the extra […]

Business In The Light

In today’s business world, it is becoming increasingly acceptable and expected to operate without integrity of action or word. Truth at Work believes that this is not acceptable to Our Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, we are responsible for conducting business with Absolute Integrity. Absolute Integrity involves doing and saying things in today’s business world […]

7 Keys To Biblical Business Leadership

As a follower of faith, sometimes you realize that you may have been neglecting your daily dose of scripture, prayer, and spiritual reflection in your daily lives. As the world turns everyone is sleeping less, and doing everything that they can to increase productivity in the home and office. This leaves little time for solitude […]

From Little to Much

The Gospel of Luke tells us that if a person can be trusted with a little, he or she can be trusted with much. The reverse is also true — if someone cannot be trusted with a little, due to poor integrity or lack of discipline, he or she will not be able to handle […]

With God All Things Are Possible

With God, all things are possible, although it may not feel that way at times. Situations in our lives — personal, professional, or marital — can make us lose hope and feel like giving up. Everyone has times in their lives when they become discouraged and feel like success and happiness are out of reach. […]

3 Reasons Why Gratitude Is Important

As attitude is everything whether it’s at home, work, or in any aspect of life it is everything. How we perceive, comprehend, and accept stimuli plays very heavily on our attitude day to day. Being thankful for something or someone is an action called showing gratitude. Where appreciation for someone or something is so great […]

Counting the Cost

Truth at Work – What is the main options confronting you to achieve your goals. What are the costs to you on all levels to achieve the realistic goals that every good Christian in good stead needs to address. Look at how what you are wanting to achieve and realistically apply this to how this […]