The Power Of Living In The Moment

Matthew 6:25 says, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life.”
We lose sleep over so many things: our money, retirement, our kids, our jobs.  But when we focus so much energy and attention on what may or may not happen in the future, we lose focus on where we are right now.


Well I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about how important it is to “live in the moment.”


Well I certainly understand and I agree with forward planning in all key areas of life:   business, financial, and personal.  But, over the years I’ve learned that even the best planning and forecasting can be spoiled given the right set of circumstances.

In the past, business leaders were used to talking a lot about “long term” planning- 2 to 5 years out.   But today things are changing too fast for such long term planning.

So, of course it’s important to plan for the future, I just think it may be a mistake to put so much emphasis on where we’re going to be 10 or 20 years from now.

So enjoy the moment that you have right now!   Every minute of it.   Treasure every moment with your spouse.   Enjoy your children.   Celebrate another day of being in business!

Only when you’re living in the moment can you truly experience joy in life- and remain grateful for God’s blessings.  So next time you’re tempted to do anything otherwise-live in the moment.


When you do this- you will be applying the Truth@Work.

Application Questions:

  • 1What does this message say to you?
  • 2What are some things in your life that you may be worrying about?
  • 3What are some things that you can do to help you leave the “worrying” behind and live more in the moment?
 Join the conversation at

Ray is the Co-Founder of Truth At Work. Prior to this role, he served as CEO until January 2016. In his role of Co-Founder, Ray is responsible for building high level strategic relationships on behalf of Truth At Work, facilitates several Round Table Groups, helps establish new markets, develops new curriculum, as well as serving as host of Truth At Work’s “Bottom Line Faith” podcast series. Additionally, Ray is in the process of writing two new books that will be released in the coming months. Ray is also a highly sought after speaker at churches and retreats across America, where for years he has challenged followers of Christ to integrate their faith in and through the marketplace on a daily basis. He is also part of the speaking faculty for Orlando, Florida based “Man In the Mirror” ministry where he conducts seminars and retreats across the country.

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Written by Ray Hilbert
Medical Writer & Editor

Ray is the Co-Founder of Truth At Work. Prior to this role, he served as CEO until January 2016. In his role of Co-Founder, Ray is responsible for building high level strategic relationships on behalf of Truth At Work, facilitates several Round Table Groups, helps establish new markets, develops new curriculum, as well as serving as host of Truth At Work’s “Bottom Line Faith” podcast series. Additionally, Ray is in the process of writing two new books that will be released in the coming months. Ray is also a highly sought after speaker at churches and retreats across America, where for years he has challenged followers of Christ to integrate their faith in and through the marketplace on a daily basis. He is also part of the speaking faculty for Orlando, Florida based “Man In the Mirror” ministry where he conducts seminars and retreats across the country.

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