What Causes Student Stress And How To Avoid It In College

There are several reasons why stress can develop in college students. Performing academically probably tops this list, closely followed by the ever-present financial pressures.  

A related major stress driver is whether you will be able to successfully enter the job market following your degree and whether the job will be related to your learning or even pay enough to meet your financial responsibilities.  

Challenges can arise from family issues, their creation of unreasonable expectations, a lack of support, or be related to relationships and isolation. College student stress has many drivers, but fortunately, there are ways to manage this situation.


Academic Stress and How to Deal With It


Students are under intense pressure to perform academically. This pressure arises from family expectations, self-expectations, scholarships requiring certain grades, and lecturers pushing to meet their own rating levels. The timing and deadlines for producing papers leaves little room for movement.

Coping with academic stress means forcing yourself to switch off and take time out for at least one hour a day. Outsource your writing work to  best assignment help websites  to ease the work pressure. The expert writers will do the essay, thesis, and dissertation work for you while you destress.  

Go, play some basketball with your friends or go to the gym. Exercise is truly an excellent way to relieve stress, and to just get your mind onto something completely different as a way to achieve balance.


Financial Pressures and Their Management


At times, the looming specter of repaying student loans may seem overwhelming. You’ve just begun your academic career at college, and already you’re on the back foot. One of the  side effects of stress  is that you can quite quickly lose focus. A lack of concentration will add to your financial pressures unnecessarily.

The best way to deal with this stress is to establish a financial budget at the start of your academic career. Write down all your expenses and your income. No income? Get a job as soon as possible.  

Offer your services to help other students with homework, or come up with any income-generating ideas to support your journey through college to deal with stress healthily.


After College Job Potential and How To Deal With Stress


If you’re a highly stressed student, one of your major concerns will probably also be worrying about whether you will find a job in your related field of study, once you’ve qualified. This is quite a normal concern since you will need to generate an appropriate income to meet your financial responsibilities and pay off your student loan.

The most appropriate way to address this stress is to seek career guidance from a college guidance counselor for tips. Then you should seek unpaid internships in your field that will help greatly toward permanent employment later on.  

Internships and volunteering show grit, which is favored by employees, as is the fact that you take on part-time employment while studying. These are the best ways to build a C.V. and a reputation as a graduate who will be a valuable employee down the line.


Family Expectations and How to Address These


Perhaps family members are pressuring you to perform to get top grades in all your subjects while also pursuing sports, work and love interests. Whatever these pressures and expectations are, you need to find a way to cope with them healthily.

Take a step back, retain open communications, and be honest about their expectations and your own. Where these don’t coincide, your expectations need to take priority when your peace of mind, balance and ability to perform become compromised.  

This doesn’t mean you can take an easy route out of your responsibilities; it rather means that you should not place yourself second when it comes to your own well-being.


Relationship/Isolation Stresses and How to Manage These


College student relationships or isolation can produce its own challenges. Perhaps a break up has led to grief or circumstances have caused you to become isolated. Both these issues need to be  addressed in a healthy manner  with the help of a professional.

All colleges have resources to speak to professional counselors or can refer students to psychologists to work through the trauma created by relationships.  

The best way to cope with such stresses is to seek help as quickly as you can. Leaving this stress unattended will just lead to a buildup that can unnecessarily spill over into every other area of your life.




College student stress is a very real issue in the modern world. Knowing what types of stress to expect, can arm you with the necessary knowledge to address a particular stress. Learning how to achieve a healthy college/life balance is a challenge, but one that is well worth the effort of aiming towards as this skill will benefit you throughout life.  



Author Bio: Susan Wallace leads a team of writers and editors at an online assignment writing service for college and university students. She is an extremely talented writer and high-level professional, which has helped her to rise the ranks in her agency. In her free time, she learns to play piano, practices yoga and cooks Mexican food for her friends.



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