Food & Drink

Our Food & Drink articles on

Mediterranean Diet Might Help Ease Psoriasis

There has been a study conducted that suggests that the Mediterranean diet is helpful in lessening the severity of Psoriasis in patients who have it. Characterized by a large amount of fruit and vegetables as well as cereals, extra virgin olive oils, and fish, the diet has a huge anti-inflammatory effect on the body and […]

Dehydration May Muddle Your Thinking

Water is life for humans. And while dehydration carries a lot of very serious health risks, that can ultimately become fatal in a matter of days, it turns out there are a host of other medical issues that can arise well before we could face a terminal problem. New research from the Georgia Institute of […]

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Alcoholic Drinks Kill Good Mouth Bacteria But Leave The Bad

Heavy alcohol usage can cause a multitude of health problems, but researchers have found that it can also have a negative effect on your oral health. Research has found that heavy drinkers have more bad mouth bacteria, and less of the good bacteria. This imbalance of the mouth flora can cause cavities, bad breath, tooth […]

Woman eating cereal

Sugar Cereals Not Just for Breakfast Anymore … Millennials Eat Them as a Snack

It turns out that younger people, “millennials”, are actually eating more than cereal than ever before. This has caused the cereal industry to change the description of their products to a snack instead of a breakfast food. Sales of cereal products has declined 19 percent since 2009, mainly due to the influx of yogurts and […]

Can You Drink Too Much Sparkling Water?

A love of sparking water is no new thing. From soda on down, we love carbonated beverages. And that’s all a sparkling drink is; a liquid that has carbon dioxide in it. This added carbon dioxide is what creates that fizz so many of us find popular. Dietitians and doctors say we should drink a […]

The Case For Eating Cheese Daily Is Now Stronger Than Ever

There is good news on the way for all the people out there that love cheese. According to research, people that eat cheese are healthier than those that do not. According to researchers in China, 40 grams of cheese per day can reduce heart disease by 14%. Another study showed that it lowers the risk […]

3 Thoughtful Ways to Conserve Water | Lana Mazahreh

One out of three people are living in a country that is facing a water crisis.   It is no longer just these water poor countries that need to conserve water usage but everyone needs to have a new relationship with water. I grew up in a rural area, water was not supplied as in […]

Are Instant Products Healthy?

With time pressures compressing our daily schedules, more and more of us are turning to meals that are quick and easy to prepare. This includes instant foods. But does the time savings come with a hit to the health? An instant food is one that has been dehydrated, so the only preparation needed for consumption […]

Exactly What I Ate To Get My Sugar Addiction Under Control

After decades of food manufacturers successfully shifting the blame for many health concerns onto fat, the focus is shifting to sugar. New medical research points to the heavily sugared modern diets as playing a key and unwelcome role in many medical issues we find ourselves dealing with. Food manufacturers responded to the fat shunning crazes […]

21 Reasons To Cut Back On Sugar That Blew Our Mind

Despite the sugar industry’s past efforts to deflect health attention onto cholesterol causing fats, sweets are turning into the primary focus of both doctors and consumers. Unfortunately, manufacturers have started loading sugar into the very foods they’re now claiming are better for you after lowering the fat content. Some sugar is okay; the body processes […]