What Are the Risks Involved with a Hair Transplant Procedure?

Human beings have always put an emphasis on physical appearance. A certain feature always demonstrated a certain attribute that a person was fortunate enough to have. From the way a person’s nose met their eyes to the length of their neck, appearance has been an important factor throughout history. Tending to describe people and differentiate cultures since the beginning of civilization has been the length, style, and texture of hair. Women were always considered the most beautiful if they have long, healthy locks; men with long hair were deemed warriors in older days. Today, the same theories seemingly apply, but the changing of the environment and the human diet have played key factors in the way that hair grows. While most people believe that women put a greater emphasis on their appearances, it is important to note that men feel the same insecurities that women are susceptible to feel.

In all cultures, men must fit a certain stigma, but the overall goal is for them to be attractive suitors despite their ages. Human beings, in a sense, are obsessed with aging and will go to great lengths to abate the toll the process takes on the outward appearance. Aging men tend to experience drastic thinning of the hair, or they lose it entirely. However, what was once only seen in men in their fifties or older can now be witnessed in young men in their teenage years; Twenty percent of men in their early twenties recognize some form of hair loss. Again, a common reality does not deter the public from scrutinizing nor failing to empathize with the male, so this male pattern baldness, as it is commonly known, becomes a difficult burden to bear.

Twenty percent of men in their early twenties recognize some form of hair loss  [tweet this]

Brief Emotional Effects of Male Pattern Baldness

A loss in self-confidence carries far greater consequences than simply being discouraged to go out for a night on the town. Instead, this feeling of animosity that a person feels towards themselves can prove devastating, and offer serious emotional conditions including depression, anxiety, and loneliness. Each of these conditions contributes to an increase in the stress hormone, cortisol, which irregulates sleeping patterns, eating habits, and further exacerbates hair loss. The hormone increase can also contribute to heart disease and failure, and serious conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s. With all of this in mind, it is absolutely crucial to understand that male pattern baldness or the overall thinning of the hair should be taken seriously, and those affected by the condition should seek treatment options that they have thoroughly researched and discussed with their primary care physician as well as a professional in the field.

Overview of Basic Hair Growth Treatments

Primary care physicians will urge a change in diet that is rich in Vitamin B, C, and magnesium, including foods like eggs, avocados, and fish. You will be urged to drink plenty of water, exercise, and perhaps take up yoga. The reality of it is, though, is that you will begin to lose weight, but your hair condition will often remain the same. There is no known cure for male pattern baldness, though scientists work tirelessly to abolish the issue, but there are effective, medical treatments and procedures. As people adapt to this fact, a greater stress is put on hair transplant treatments and their general effectiveness, but awareness must be raised for the risks of the procedures.

What Is a Hair Transplant Procedure?

Essentially, this is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles from your own head, known as the donors, are moved to the balding portion of your scalp, known as the recipient site. Seeing that hair typically grows in patterns of one to four follicles, professionals tend to coincide with this natural growth by transplanting the follicles within their natural, intended groupings. Typically, the donor follicles are extracted in one of two ways: Strip harvesting or follicular unit extraction, known as FUE.

Strip harvesting is a technique in which the surgeon removes a strip of skin from the outer scalp of the patient–usually a portion of the scalp where the hair grows normally and greatly. The wound begins getting stitched up, and professionals begin harvesting follicles from the strip; using microscopes, they remove excess fatty tissues from the follicles. Needles are then used to puncture minute holes for the follicles to be placed into, with careful attention to following a pattern similar to natural hair growth. The grafts are sorted into place.

FUE, however, is when the surgeon removes the follicles in groupings of one to four. Using find blades and needles, the physician creates a natural growth pattern for the harvested follicles to be transplanted into. FUE typically takes place during one very long procedure, or during multiple procedures over the course of time. Though more time consuming than strip harvesting, those who opt for this particular method tend to see more natural results.

What Are the Risks?

Again, this is a medical procedure that involves puncturing the scalp, numbness, and mild anesthesia. The risks associated with all medical procedures are not exempt from the hair transplant process, so it is important to thoroughly discuss your procedure with physicians and to research accordingly. As you would for other medical surgeries, being in top physical health before undergoing the process is important to guarantee your overall safety and the general effectiveness of the surgery. Diet and exercise do play their roles in your body’s ability to accept the stress and strain of surgery, and calculating  your body’s BMI and what your ideal weight should be greatly helps with this task.

When you slip or fall in your everyday life and suffer a scrape, what do you do? Well, you clean it, of course. Surely you keep a watchful eye on the wound to ensure that it is healing, so the same applies to the wounds obtained from the hair transplant surgery. Holes (though small) were punctuated into your scalp, so there will be the need for extensive wound care. Swelling is common after this procedure, and men actually experience temporary, additional hair loss that strikes worry in them. The most common complications of this procedure include:


Again, wounds result from this procedure. Similarly to all wounds, bleeding will take place as the body heals. Rarely, a graft might dislodge from the area, which results in excessive bleeding that will require pressure to stop.


This is your body’s way to heal an area as blood reserves collect in the area. Mild swelling is normal after this procedure, but excessive swelling that might result in black eyes requires immediate medical attention.


When your body heals, it goes through a process called fibrosis, or scarring. It is perfectly natural and essential to fully recover.


This is actually a good sign for it demonstrates that your body is working to heal itself. Often, over the counter medications alleviate the symptom, and some patients do not take anything for the pain.


Even papercuts are susceptible to infections if they are not properly cleansed. After undergoing this procedure and under the guidance of a physician, it is important to regularly clean the wound site and bandage it with clean items accordingly.


Another sign of healing as your body adjusts to the new follicles, and is usually alleviated with regular shampooing.

Hair Thinning

It is rare, but up to five percent of patients experience thinning of pre-existing hair. The side effect is usually temporary and subsides after a few months.


This is incredibly rare, but mention must be made to it. Though this transplant uses your own hair, it is being implanted in an area of your body that is stagnant from growth. Your body might reject the grafts as a means to protect your body.


To finalize, this is a medical procedure that has helped thousands of men since its discovery. It deserves respect for that, but also for the fact that it is a surgical process performed by professionals, so it should be treated like most other surgeries. The failure to maintain your wounds could pose threatening to your overall health, and regularly following up with your physician is of the utmost importance.

Complications can result from this procedure, so being in prime physical health before undergoing it is beneficial and helps your body recover far quicker. The typical recovery time for the bleeding and mild swelling is four or five days. Patients usually feel comfortable going out after this timeframe and, usually, a month after surgery is when things appear fairly normal. Hair growth is usually seen within six to nine months, or longer in rare circumstances. Essentially and finally, as long as you follow up with your surgeon and treat your wounds with respect, you should heal just fine and see positive results from undergoing the procedure.


HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

21. November 2018
21. November 2018
Hair transplant is a good way to regain back your confidence due to your hair loss problem and seeing that this procedure could really give that chance then why not, right?

16. March 2018
16. March 2018
Nice article thanks to share this valid information.good article. Thank you.

vm vijay kumar
14. August 2017
vm vijay kumar
14. August 2017
i am a heart patient and have diabetes too . Can i go for hair transplant,, my age is 48 male


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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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