10 Bizarre Health Hacks That Actually Work

Most tried and true methods of being healthy include losing weight, eating less, and moving more. There are however some slightly more weird tricks you can use in order to help make yourself more healthy.

The first one is to replace paracetamols with granny smith apples. Apples help stave off headaches and proven by a study done by The Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in the United States.

The second is to flush the toilet with the lid down. This helps to prevent the spreading of polluted water particles such as E. Coli and fecal matter which can land on surfaces such as your tooth brush.

Thanks to a research done by Loughborough University you should be packing chocolate milk for after your workout. The milk has protein and the water and electrolytes help produce muscle growth. Plus it’s cheaper than a protein shake.

Taking a nap straight after drinking 200 milligrams of coffee is helpful if you are taking a computer test.

New shoes such as high heels can help improve your sex life which helps reduce stress levels and is linked to orgasm.

Working out when your tired will help you in the long run because it will move the oxygen in your body more.

Key Points:

  • 1Wearing high heels can give you a boost — but they can also give you an orgasm. Study of 66 women under 50 found high heels work the pleasure muscles (pelvic floor muscles).
  • 2Chewing mint-flavoured gum can dramatically decrease feelings of tiredness, while separate research studies have suggested that chewing gum can improve test scores.
  • 3Brushing your teeth straight after [eating] can speed-up acid’s effect on your enamel and erode the layer underneath. Wait 10 minutes instead.

When you’re bloated, drinking water sounds like it will just make things worse — but it can actually help. The water mixes with soluble fibre and makes it into a gel like substance which affects the motility of the gut and reduces bloating.

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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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