Following healthy eating habits can be a challenge, especially with the number of so-called healthy foods and diets out there that really don’t take healthy habits into consideration. Healthy eating should be part of a daily practice and there are beneficial eating habits that can be incorporated into an everyday regimen. Here are 10 that you should know about that will get you on the road to a healthier you.
Water Consumption
Drinking sufficient amounts of water is an easy habit to get into early on, and throughout life. The old eight glasses at eight ounces is a good recommendation and can be added or subtracted from as additional water is usually consumed through other foods. Most notably, water is a filler and easily limits over consumption of food when taken before meals. It also hydrates the body and provides the necessary means for proper elimination. Drinking water truly is a healthy habit.
Don’t Skip Breakfast
Eating breakfast on a regular basis is one healthy eating habit to abide by as breakfast really is the most critical and important meal of the day, for both adults and children. People who eat breakfast consistently usually have a better grip on their diets than those who skip breakfast. Consuming an initial meal in the morning provides the body with the necessary energy to jump start metabolism, plus it provides extended energy, boosts concentration and aids in weight loss.
Maintain Healthy Fats
Fat is not the no-no that it once was there are healthy fats that everyone needs. Highly saturated fats that are used in processed foods should be avoided, but the unsaturated or healthy fats found in foods like nuts, avocados, olive oil, butter, fish, whole eggs and other related foods are highly beneficial to health and are an important habit to develop for maintaining cardiovascular and neurological health.
Fiber is Essential
If you want your digestive system to function well, fiber is one healthy eating habit that needs to be included on any list. Fiber consumption helps in reducing weight, lowering the possibilities of stroke and other diseases as well as controlling blood sugar levels. There are any numbers of foods that are fiber filled. Beans, lentils, broccoli, apples, whole grains, cabbage, flax seeds and other fruits and vegetables are all foods to include in a healthy eating plan.
Monitor What you Eat
It may seem silly to keep track of what you eat, but it is an important habit to get into as it allows you to not only discover foods that may be causing health or allergic reactions, but monitoring food consumption is truly important in weight loss programs. You can determine the number of calories that are taken in, what foods best benefit your diet as well as really regulate overeating. Most any home doctor service will tell you that monitoring food consumption can help you alleviate different issues with food, whether it’s for weight loss purposes or simply to determine what foods can really cause serious health issues.
Meal Planning and Preparation
Planning meals and preparing meals ahead of time are two good habits to follow as you can assure yourself that you are putting together nutritious and healthy meals. With meal planning you can determine what food groups are necessary for a healthy diet, plus intersperse the kinds of foods you enjoy at the same time. Setting aside time to gather foods together and prepare them in advance will give you access to a ready-made meal, rather than grabbing an unhealthy snack replacement, jumping in your car go through a drive-thru or going to the grocery store at the last minute. With a larger capacity freezer, you can even freeze your meals ahead of time and avoid running out of meals. Even if you just use this approach for one meal a day, like dinner, it’s a good way to avoid the stress of last minute cooking in the evening, particularly when should be winding down from the day and relaxing.
Take your Time
Eating slowly is another healthy eating habit that most people don’t think about. It’s easy to shove down a meal and not know what you ate or even how it tasted. Savoring a meal is important for the pure enjoyment of it, plus it is easier to digest food when it is eaten slowly. Oxygen intake is important when eating and if food consumption is done slowly, it is more advantageous to actual metabolism and the distribution of nutrients throughout the body.
There is nothing wrong with snacking as long as it focuses on adding good foods to your diet. Snacking can be a healthy habit and is often necessary to get through the day, even after regular meals. Mid-morning or later afternoon seem to be the times that most people require a snack to ward off the sluggishness that seems to come out of nowhere. A protein snack is probably the best choice as it will help you sustain energy and keep you going, and most protein snacks are available in bar form, so they are easy to carry along without a lot of hassle. You want a bar that is free of artificial flavoring or coloring and has at a certain number of grams (5-15) of protein. Other nutritious snacks are found in whole grains, organic veggie snacks, natural yogurt and fruits like raspberries, bananas and apples.
Eat What you Enjoy
Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to indulge in kale, cauliflower or tofu if you don’t like them. Make a habit of eating healthy foods that you enjoy. Certain foods may be healthy for some individuals while others have a difficult time stomaching them. Eating healthy is important but consuming foods you truly don’t like is not necessary. There are many food alternatives that are tasty, enjoyable and filling. Wasting time on the wrong foods can leave you dissatisfied which leads to reaching for food with empty calories. Instead, go for a small second or third serving of something you really like and satisfies you taste buds.
Family Style Meals
Eating a meal everyday with others is important. If you can’t do that, at least have one meal a day at a table with a nice place setting and a plated meal on tasteful dinnerware. It’s important to have the cohesiveness that a family meal brings and it’s a good habit to follow as it is healthy to think of eating with others as a pleasure and not a duty. Enjoying a sit down meal is a relaxing and healthy habit to cultivate, whether with a family or yourself.
Acquiring healthy eating habits doesn’t have to be a difficult thing. It’s just a matter of realizing that there are certain foods and processes that make staying healthy a fun and productive activity. It’s important to remember the 10 healthy eating habits listed here. Utilizing even a few of them will get you started on a pathway to better health.