Exercise And Tips To Ensure Good Health And Fitness

Nowadays everyone talks about health, fitness, exercise, healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, etc. But do you know the exact definition of health?   Health is a good condition of mind, body and social wellbeing and not just the absence of any illness, disorder or infirmity.

Good health should not only be the objective of living but also a resource for living. The means to a healthy life is provided by adopting a healthful lifestyle. In the last few decades, with the ongoing research and modern science people are more and more aware of different diseases and also how they work.   So on the basis of modern science, researchers have defined health as the body’s ability to adapt to new perils and infirmities.

There are 2 different aspects and types of personal health, such as

  • Physical Health
  • Mental Health


Physical Health:

Physical Health refers to the condition of the body in regards to a person’s strength, stamina, flexibility, vitality, the ability to perform physical activity and whether the body is free from an aliment or disease.   Good physical health can often be obtained through a balanced nutritious diet, regular exercise and adequate rest.


Mental Health:

Mental health is the condition of a person’s emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. It refers to an individual’s productive and fruitful potential to deal with and bounce back from adversities by overcoming stress, anxiety, trauma, and other emotional and behavioural factors.

Good mental health is reflected in an individual’s work, thoughts, feelings, and behaviour towards others. Our good mental health also helps us in developing some positive characteristics like:

  • Building a sense of self-esteem
  • The ability of resilience
  • The zest to live life to its fullest
  • Helps in adapting to new changes and making one flexible to learn new skills
  • Helps in building self-confidence

To attain good mental health try keeping yourself active, exercise regularly, have a balanced diet. Do not allow yourself to self-medicate with alcohol and drugs or participate in any other self-destructive behaviours.  


Health and Fitness Go Hand in Hand:

The first and foremost step to being healthy is exercising regularly on a daily basis, if possible. Regular exercise helps to boost immunity, mood, and promotes good sleep in the short term.   Regular exercise has long term advantages too.   Long term advantages include: reduces diabetes, heart stroke risks, depression, anxiety, dementia and also some cancers to a certain extent. Regular exercise does not only mean going to a gym and sweating your fat off it can mean any physical activity that gets you moving. Exercise can be done in many different forms which suit your body and that you enjoy doing like:

  • Dancing
  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Aerobics
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Play any sport


Let’s discuss some of these.



Dancing is the best form of fitness and fun, it involves a full-body workout which helps you stay healthy and look younger and makes you feel energetic all day long. This is the best option of exercising at home for those who don’t like the idea of GYM, walking on a treadmill, etc. There are many different types of dance styles like belly-dance, pole dance, Indian classical style, etc. Choose the dancing style you are interested in and which you like to do.



Yoga, though originated in India, is now immensely popular all around the world. Yoga is a practice or exercise involving physical, mental and spiritual discipline, if done on a regular basis then it can not only improve your physical health but also helps in keeping your mind calm and focused.

Yoga can be practiced in two different ways, i.e. by Asanas (postures) which is done by focusing concentration on specific parts of the body, it basically involves a lot of stretching exercises and the other is by Pranayama (breathing exercises) which is done for controlling breath and which helps to heal your mind and body by calming down your stress and anxiety. Different types of yoga are Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, etc which are forms of pranayama or Tadasana, Surya Namaskar, etc which are the forms of asanas.

You may choose to perform any type of yoga that suits your body type, lifestyle and goals, but at the same time, it is necessary for you to use the correct yoga props like yoga mats, apparels etc. Nowadays, you can easily shop these things sitting at home just at the click of your finger on an online yoga store.



Walking is the gentlest form of exercise offering numerous health benefits to all age groups of people. Walking helps you in different ways like:

  • It helps in burning calories
  • It can reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases
  • Helps in strengthening immune functions
  • It can help to lower your blood sugar levels
  • It helps to ease joint pain

You do not require any particular prop for walking except for a sturdy pair of shoes.


Play Any Sport:

Playing any sport every day is the best form of exercise to maintain good health and whole-body fitness. Playing sports boosts your mood and makes you feel energetic, it also helps in managing weight, enhances aerobic fitness, reduces hypertension, improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and endurance and also relieves stress.



By giving proper attention, time and care to your personal health care you can improve your life today and reduce your risks for health complications as you age.   If you find you are ill or have an injury, you will need to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. However, it is your obligation and responsibility to take good care of your health.



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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus teams with authors from organizations to share interesting ideas, products and new health information to our readers.

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