Finding The Time For Fitness: How To Transform A Workout Into Playtime

Life gets hectic. Even when confined to home, there can still be so much to juggle, that physical fitness naturally gets put on the backburner now and then. During those off-seasons, it’s inevitable to eventually take pause and at least wish for the desire and motivation to get back into a steady workout routine. And yet, the time constraints of all your obligations can make it seem impossible.

Alas, the internal struggle ensues, because the merits of an active lifestyle are truly undeniable. Plus, we all know the joy and the oh-so-accomplished feeling that follows a juicy workout. The benefits of breaking a sweat actually allow you to bring a better version of yourself to your day-to-day tasks and interactions with loved ones. Not to mention, making exercise a higher priority for you and the family doesn’t just benefit your own physical and mental wellness, it models the behavior of valuing this main ingredient of a healthy and happy life for your kiddos to take note of, both consciously and subconsciously. This helps the whole family to build lifelong habits that will ultimately serve everyone well in countless ways.

So when it seems like there’s simply no way to squeeze in a workout, resist the urge to get discouraged. Instead, try reframing how you look at working out. If it’s an inclusive and enjoyable activity to share with your partner and kids, you may naturally begin to re-label and view it as playtime.


Get Centered

Some workouts require little-to-no space, equipment, or even experience. One particularly mobile and accessible activity that tends to interest kids in yoga. No skills? No problem. There are dozens of yoga apps geared towards all ages, which can guide you and the family through any length of pose sequence, at any intensity and experience level you desire.

Not only does this type of workout session allow for physical exertion, strength building, and full-body stretching, it typically includes deep breathing and practicing being mentally present, which themselves are known to be calming, therapeutic, and recommended for all.

Sharing this time with children can bring endless smiles and a healthy dose of sweet silliness, as kids tend to be experts in the expression of their yoga poses. Let their freedom of expression inspire you to do the same, and stretch your tree branches out wide with pride!

Get Creative

Altering a previously stagnant routine doesn’t have to be a sudden or jarring upheaval of the norm. You can start small by implementing playful spurts of activity throughout the established routine. If you’re wanting to boost everyone’s energy in the afternoon, try suggesting a quick racing game during commercial breaks. Another activity like push-ups or jumping jacks works well, too, and then each of you can take turns being the “Trainer” or “Coach” who makes up the routine. See who can get the best performance in with each series of ads, and as an added bonus, you can rejoice in how many commercials they just didn’t watch.

Impromptu dance parties are another great way to get kids exercising with enthusiasm. Even rough-housing could be a fun form of exercise, as long as it’s playful, supervised, and in a safe space. Join in on the games and be surprised at the strength and endurance of your kids!

Get a High-Tech Trainer

Have you ever paid $50 a month for a gym membership you rarely (or never) used? Did this go on for longer than a year and a half? That same spending (less, actually!) could be otherwise directed at acquiring a futuristic digital home training system with infinite possibilities. Yes, we’re talking about the sleek, actual full-length Mirror that digitally doubles as an HD, interactive, content-packed personal home studio.

Mirror has rapidly earned an exceptional reputation as a modern and motivational platform for personal fitness. Interestingly, the company’s founder and CEO, Brynn Putnam, developed the idea as a solution to her own struggle to find the time to work out while she was pregnant. The multi-functional tool boasts top-notch instructors, a design fit for limited space, a wide world of customizations, and thousands of workouts to stream on-demand or live. Classes can even be adjusted to account for pregnancy or specific injuries, suggesting alternative movements and providing helpful information.

Among the large lineup of course categories and training sessions available on the popular smart home gym, Mirror, is a family-centered category of content. That’s right: inviting the kids to play with the fancy new tool is encouraged (don’t worry about smudges; it’s operated by an app, not a touch-screen).

The visual draw is undeniable. It’s a mesmerizing tool that can be truly captivating, while allowing for constant form observation and adjustment, plus heart rate monitoring, encouragement, and more. Just try to use this impressive piece of equipment without captivating your little ones.



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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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