We all can agree that regular exercise is important for good health. But I am looking at my calendar with the Holidays upon me and can not for the life of me figure out how I am going to get everything done let alone exercise.
Here are some ideas to help you if you are like me to sort of cheat our way to getting our exercise in:
Park far from the mall. We all have to Christmas shop. Not everything can be delivered to our homes. Instead of spending time driving around looking for a good spot. Look for the worst spot. This will increase your steps. You got it. You want the worst spot in the parking lot and you are doing this for your health.
Stand don’t sit. You are at your work party, girl friend cookie exchange, book club get-together or your child’s winter party. Stand. I know you are tired, I am tired. But standing burns more calories works and uses more muscles and is better for you. You got it. Don’t sit down you are standing for your health.
To check out how many calories you can burn standing click here!
Get out to see the Christmas Lights. Luckily in Indianapolis with are blessed with a Christmas at the Zoo lighting extravaganza. It is gorgeous. The Indianapolis Zoo strings lights throughout and you can stroll through a sparkly wonderland visiting animals and getting your exercise. Many communities have something like this. Find one in your area and embrace the magic of the season and get in your steps. That’s correct this is outside of your normal routine so you can count it as treadmill time or part of your holiday exercise plan. If you can’t find an attraction like this find a neighborhood in your area that goes all lighting crazy, park the car and walk. This is a fun active for the whole family, plop little ones in the stroller and go.
If you are like me and still want to watch your favorite TV show or sporting event. Every time a commercial comes on exercise. You got it. Crunches through one set of adds and jumping jacks through the next. Mix it up. But do get up off the sofa and move. This needs to count. You and I both know we are going to consume extra calories this holiday season. You can do this!
Dance! If you have an opportunity at parties to dance, DANCE! Dancing is great cardio. Just move you will burn a tremendous amount of calories and have fun doing it. So, dance, partner or no dance partner, rhythm or no rhythm, you are dancing for your health. Crank up the holiday music and “Jingle Bell Rock” yourself to a healthier you. You are moving, you are staying healthy.
When there is no extra time – you must use the time you have wisely. Use every opportunity you have to get more physical activity into your everyday life. Wishing you a very healthy holiday season!!!
Holiday Exercise Hacks #HealthStatus