How to Fit Healthy Eating Habits Into Your Work Schedule

The hustle and bustle of your work day can leave you feeling tired and depleted of energy. Many become a part of the trending grab and go cycle. These quick ‘pick me ups’ generally are full of sugar and saturated fats. You may feel a temporary surge of energy only to be disappointed a short time later. Lethargy and brain fog will begin to seep into your day due to the rising and dramatic fall of your blood sugar levels. Do not despair! We are going to tell you exactly How to Fit Healthy Eating Habits Into Your Work Schedule.

Healthy foods and snacks provide your body and mind the proper nutrients that aid productivity and efficiency while keeping your energy levels throughout the day. You have heard the old saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. These words of wisdom will be your nutritional mantra when facing a busy schedule. Replacing your sweet and salty stashes and vending machine habits with deliciously healthy snacks will be your first step. Planning a variety of tasty treats and nutrients will keep you well on your way to forming great and healthy eating habits. Studies have shown it is optimal to fuel your body every four hours. This maintains your blood sugar levels and curbs cravings for empty calories. You will also want to explore how your lifestyle associates with your eating habits. Some tend to become stressed at work or they skip breakfast and feel sluggish midday. If you find yourself grabbing for snacks to fill the time or appease the moment, consider an easy to eat nosh. Peanuts, grapes, granola and protein bars are perfect to keep your hands busy and avoid the moments of mindless eating. Favorited fruits, vegetables and juices make great sidekicks for your lunch and help keep you on track.

With a few simple exchanges and a bit of planning, you are on your way to a brilliant and healthy work day!

Action Points:

  • 1Eating healthy at work offers your body and mind the proper nutrients needed to get through the day
  • 2Plan ahead and bring healthy snacks such as fruits, nuts and granola. This will keep you from consuming empty calories that will make you feel tired and restless.
  • 3Avoid mindless eating and vending machine stops by bringing your own delicious and healthy snacks to work.

The below infographic is provided by JasonL Office Furniture.


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Written by Danielle White
Medical Writer & Editor

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