The Psychology of Space

With all the talk about ‘tidying up’ lately, we are feeling empowered to reclaim our cluttered spaces and make them into relaxing havens. Unfortunately when you get rid of the junk you may find that it was obscuring your long-overdue honey-do list, from outdated paint colors to those drywall holes and dings you just don’t know how to repair. Clutter and unfinished projects can weigh you down emotionally, and tackling the more difficult projects may seem too daunting at times.

Tackling small projects first can help give you a sense of accomplishment that will propel you on to bigger projects. Make a list and figure out what you have time to do, what you want to do, and what you actually can do. It’s OK to seek help from a professional if something is out of your wheelhouse. Learn more about the psychology of space from this infographic!


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Written by Danielle White
Medical Writer & Editor

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